Chapter 1

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Chapter 1-

I'm Emily Cook. I'm a 15 year old girl, with light brown hair. Well, it's more like a dark blond. It's somewhere between. I'm fuggin pale. I've lived in Wisconsin for basically my whole life. I can get a tan from a lightbulb. Not really, but close. I'm a little over 5 feet tall. I have blue eyes, glasses, and braces. They'll be getting off in the sequel. Anyway, here's the story of how I met a stranger. I stranger who... well, you'll see soon enough.

It all started a long time ago, in a land far far away. By that, I mean 2 years ago in the woods near my house, so, really, it's just an exaggeration.  I was walking in the woods one day. That was when I first saw her. She was quite odd. I didn't know why at the time, but I would about an hour later because I went home to draw her. You see, I have a semi-photographic memory. I can see things that I have seen for a short period of time. It only took me about 5 minutes to get home. I drew her. I'm rather good at drawing. I studied the picture incredibly hard. I couldn't figure out what was so strange, so instead, I decided to eat. For some reason, when I was eating, I noticed how colorful food is. When I went back to my drawing, I understood immediately. The woman had absolutely no color anywhere. Even her skin was a pale grey. Naturally, I Googled her. Nothing. I decided to look up missing persons. There was one with a picture just like her, but about 10. She supposedly went missing 50 years ago. That would make her about 60, but she looked about 15. I noticed that her name was Annabelle. She had a brother named Arthur. Just like my grandfather. He was 5 years older than her. If she did go missing 50 years ago, my grandfather was 65. He's the correct age. I should talk to him. I will later. First, I must walk my dog.

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