Chapter 3

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Chapter 3-

I went looking the second I got Lightening inside. Oh, yeah, Lightening is my dog. Anyway, I let him in, and set out. I ran. I knew she had been walking and it had been hours. I must say, she could be very far by now, but I still went looking. I just kept going straight. I hit a stream. That's when I saw her. She was a few feet from the edge. I started walking up to her.

"Hi" Said I.

"What do you want?" Said she, sounding quite angry. Maybe just grouchy. I couldn't tell.

"Um, I want to talk to you."

"Why? Who are you?"

"I'm Emily Cook. I know who you are. I know your brother, Arthur. He's my grandfather."

"That's impossible! He's just 5 years older than me! He's 20!"

"Well, actually, it seems you were stuck in a painting for 45 years. He's 65."

"That makes me 60! My god! I look so young for my age!"

"I think you didn't age in the painting. That's why you seem 15. I'm also 15"

"Well, so now I have not only a niece and nephew, but I have a GREAT niece at only 15! That's new."

"I know!" She was starting to sound a bit cheerful. Maybe I could surprise Grandpa by bringing her home!

"I HATE NEW!" She screamed. Not cheerful. This would be harder than I thought.

"But new keeps life interesting."


"What exactly happened?" She took a deep breath. I couldn't tell weather it was to calm her down or to get enough air to rant again.

"Well, what is apparently 50 years ago, I talked to a young painter." Calm. Good.

"He wanted help with ideas. I gave him one. To show how people pass up the beauty in life as if it is in black and white. I used myself as an example for the beauty. Little did  I know he would take me literally and put me IN the painting! I was stuck. I got out 5 years ago. I've been trying to find him, or any family members of him. I was stuck with no family, no color, and no friends. I'm pretty sure people thought I was dead. I wanted revenge. I could find nobody related to this idiot. I wanted to do to them what he did to me. Not kidnap them or anything, but I can turn things black and white. As soon as somethign touches my skin, it turns black and white. That's why I'm not touching you. I would, but if you are my family, I don't want you to suffer like I did."

"Do you want me to take you to your brother? He'll be so happy to see you."

"Would you?"

"Of course! Follow me!" 

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