Chapter 4

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Chapter 4-

When my grandfather saw Great Aunt Annabelle, he was utterly confused. She was just happy. Color flowed back into her. She was pale. She had a Wisconsin tan, where you get paler every time you go outside. She had beautiful brown hair. The color of... well. This is hard. Not poop, that's just nasty. Not chocolate, it was to light. It was almost red. It was very beautiful. That was the happiest day of my grandfathers life. My parents then got home from work. They stopped by my grandfather's house. They asked who Annabelle was. Grandpa couldn't explain. He was still confused. He didn't even know the whole story, so I explained.

"Mom, Dad, this is Grandpa's sister, Annabelle."

"But she's 15!" my parents chorused. 

"I know. I'll explain later. First we have to figure out where she'll stay."

"This house is too small for 2 to live in." said Grandpa.

My parents were whispering for a while. Then my dad said

"We think it might help Annnabelle to stay with us. If she's with people her age, she might catch up with technology a bit faster."

"I think that's a pretty good idea. We will have to arrange visits though. I just got my sister back after 50 years, so I'll want to see her at least once a week if not more." said Grandpa.

"Well of course." said Annabelle.

"Come on Annabelle. You will have to go to school. Emily will help you. You must be known as her sister. We cannot let people know you're her great-aunt. You're the same age." said my father.

"Fair enough." Said I. 

"I think that will have to be the way we help me blend in." Said Annabelle. 

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