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Carina was twelve when she realized she could never have children.

Her mother had come into her room, explaining what a period was and what it would entail. Carina hadn't gotten hers yet, but Narcissa assured her that she was always a late bloomer.

Carina, however, had thrown a fit, saying she wanted her period now. Carina never whined for anyone but her mom. Whining was unbecoming, but it caused her mother to do outrageous things when Carina brought out the puppy eyes.

So Carina caused her mother to perform a series of complicated spells that would determine when Carina would get her period.

Sparks were supposed to emerge and form a date, but when sparks emerged for Carina, they just fizzled out.

Narcissa said the spell was a dud, anyways.

But Carina had already made up her mind. She was barren.

More months passed, and Narcissa's worst suspicions were confirmed. Carina was not surprised.

"Ri-Ri, sweetie, you can't tell Father that you don't get your period."

The request came from nowhere, startling Carina slightly. "Alright. May I inquire as to why?"

Narcissa wrung her hands together worriedly. "Well, you see, your father has always wanted to continue the Malfoy bloodline. And if he found out you couldn't..."

"He'd find me worthless."

"Not worthless!" Narcissa quickly corrected. "Just... unable to serve his purposes."

"Exactly. Worthless. I understand." Carina said passively.

Carina went back to her reading; it was a particularly fascinating tale, leaving her mother to wonder if she had done the right thing.


Hermione and Carina had stolen away to a little broom closet next to the Quidditch Pitch.

Carina was still wearing the choker Fred and George had given her, and she found that it drove Hermione mad. However, her mind was elsewhere, meaning her body was unresponsive to Carina's touch.

Carina finally gave in, asking the brunette what she was on about.

"He put Felix Felicis in Ron's drink! Can you believe that?" Hermione cried, and Carina had to move slightly to miss one of Hermione's animated arms.

"I can't believe Potter was that clever."

"Oh, not you too!" Hermione cried, looking quite frustrated. "It's illegal!"

"Then let's just hope it's worth it." Carina quipped.

Hermione shooed Carina away, hurrying back towards the stands. Smiling, Carina mounted her broom; ready for the dramatic entrance the Slytherin team was famous for.


Carina stood next to Harry and Hermione, sweaty and tired. They were bickering again, and it was not helping Carina's already shitty mood.

"I still can't believe you spiked Ron's pumpkin juice, Harry!"

Harry smirked at her then, causing Carina to pay attention to him for the first time that conversation.

Slowly, Harry pulled out the small vile of Felix Felicis and held it out for Hermione to see.

"You didn't put it in," Hermione said, shocked. "Ron only thought you did."

Harry just smiled smugly, and begrudgingly Carina stuck out her hand.

"What's this?" Harry asked.

"What 'this' is, Scarhead, will only happen once, so I suggest you take it."

Harry tentatively grabbed her hand and Carina pulled him into an awkward but forceful hug. "Very Slytherin of you. All the props."

Carina pulled away, then, wiping her hands on her already dirty robes.

"Now, if you'll excuse me. I have to be anywhere but here."

Malfoys always did have a flare for the dramatic.

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