twenty seven

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"Okay, Miss Malfoy," Professor Lupin said calmly, "the preparations for becoming an Animagus are complete. All you have to do now is transform. Are you sure you don't want me to get Professor McGonagall instead? She is the Transfiguration Professor..."

"No," Carina said shortly, "I like you here. I want you to walk me through it. You got me this far."

Remus nodded. "Okay, okay. You'll be fine."

"Who are you trying to convince, you or me?" Carina snapped, closing her eyes for a moment. "Sorry. That was harsh. What do I do now?"

"Now," the werewolf began, "you think of the thing you most like about yourself."

Carina squeezed her eyes as tightly shut as they could possibly be, mulling her professor's instruction around in her mind. The thing she most liked about herself... probably her wit, she decided. Carina always did know how to get what she wanted, which words to use and when, and her mind moved faster than her mouth could. No one was ever able to stun her into silence.

Carina nodded, and Lupin took it as his cue to continue. "Now think of the thing you like the least."

Carina knew immediately. She hated the small, temporary lapses of control she would have, when it was unknown to her just what she was capable of. Every time she would slip, if only a tiny bit, Carina would look in the mirror. Say what you will, there was nothing wrong with the way Carina looked.

The instability of the illusion of control she had over her body was quick to come to the front of her mind, and she nodded once more.

"Finally, think of you, the same personality, but as an animal. Most usually your Animagus from will take the shape of your Patronus.

Carina nodded a final time, not wanting to mess up the transformation with words, and felt her organs fold in on each other. It was a new, unfamiliar feeling, though not entirely unpleasant.

When Carina opened her eyes, turning towards the mirror, a white snake with big, green eyes was staring back at her.


A lynx burst through the room, interrupting the festivities. A voice Carina vaguely recognized came from the Patronus. "Scrimgeour is dead. The Ministry has fallen. Death Eaters are coming."

The lynx Patronus disappeared in a fog of mist, and Carina ducked under one of Viktor arms, headed for Hermione.

Almost as an afterthought, Carina called out to Viktor. "Best of luck, Vikki! I'll see you on the other side of the war!"

Joining hands with Harry and Hermione on instinct alone, she was apparated to a small street. Part of the Muggle world, Hermione informed them. Tottenham Court Road, to be precise.

"Alright," Hermione continued, the four of them standing in a cramped alleyway, "I packed spare clothes for all of us, the Invisibility Cloak, books, the little Polyjuice Potion we have left, and a couple other necessities."

"Where?" Ron asked, bewildered, and Carina tried not to roll her eyes.

"In this." Hermione informed him, holding up a small beaded handbag. "Undetectable extension charm."

Ron nodded his approval, and the subject was changed.

Hermione was trying her best to figure out what their next move would be, and Carina was doing her best to help with the input.

"But what if Voldemort-" Harry was cut off as two burly workmen pulled out wands, firing spells at the quartet which Carina deflected with some difficulty. "Guys, now might be a good time to get your shit together!" Carina cried, voiced strained by the effort of the duel she was partaking in.

All of a sudden, Hermione's warm arm was wrapped around Carina's waist and she felt herself being pulled in the familiar motions of Apparition.

The four landed on the doorstep of Grimmauld Place, Carina breathing heavily.

She opened the door cautiously, eyes immediately zeroing in on the knocked over umbrella stand. "Someone's been here," she whispered, sweat dripping down her face, ruining the makeup she had worked so hard on. Her curls were limp around her chest, and so as soon as the coast was clear Carina indulged in her vanity and headed to a bathroom to freshen up.

When Carina returned, Hermione and Ron were conversing in harsh whispers, looking down at where Carina assumed Harry was periodically.

"Would someone like to inform me as to what is going on?" Carina asked, a hint of malice lacing her words. She had managed to salvage most of her makeup, though her hair was beyond repair.

"Nothing," Hermione said a bit too quickly, "nothing is going on. Harry, why don't you go use the restroom?"

The boy nodded, glasses askew on his face, scar prominent. Something was definitely going on, but if they didn't want to tell Carina, she would let it slide. For now.

A weasel Patronus entred the room, Arthur Weasley's voice informing Ron that the family was safe, though watched. Ron breathed an audible sigh of relief, and Carina ducked her head in relief.

"Alright," Hermione finally stated, "we may as well all go to bed. No point staying up worrying. We have a mission to start."

Carina nodded, retiring in peace.

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