twenty six

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AN: School starts tomorrow, so I may have to start updating every other day instead of every day. Enjoy the next chapter!



Carina sat next to the Gargoyle patiently. She didn't know the password to Dumbledore's office and because of that she wasn't allowed to entre it. That didn't stop her from waiting outside, though.

An hour or so later, Professors McGonagall and Dumbledore stumbled upon the Slytherin.

"Miss Malfoy! Just what exactly are you doing out here? It's after curfew."

"I need to talk to Professor Dumbledore," Carina said curtly, meeting the Transfiguration Professor's eyes dead on.

Minerva squinted at Carina, analyzing her intentions.

"It's all right, Minerva," Dumbledore said calmly. "Come now, Carina, let us confer."

Carina nodded, looking up at McGonagall with big, green eyes. If Minerva hadn't known better, she would've said Carina was scared.

"Now, Miss Malfoy," Dumbledore said with a placid smile on his face, "what can I do for you?"

"I don't want to take the train home tomorrow. I want to stay at Hogwarts this summer."

"And why might that be?" Dumbledore seemed amused, infuriating Carina immensely.

"I don't like my father. I don't want to go back home." The words left a bitter taste in Carina's mouth; she hated asking for help. But some things had to be done.

"Well, you are a teenager. Most don't like their fathers at this age." Dumbledore said, and Carina thought he was mocking her.

"You aren't taking me seriously, are you?" Carina whispered. "Fine. You can't say I didn't try."

Carina stormed out of Dumbledore's office, fuming. Her eyes harbored a hatred causing even McGonagall to do a double take.

Carina went to bed the next night with a bruise on her shoulder blade and the bitter taste of blood in her mouth.


Carina finished tucking the last of her curls in a half-up fashion, placing the tiara-like headband delicately on her head. Fleur had insisted she wear it, something about how she needed her French Princess to look like one too. Carina had tried in vain to get out of wearing it, but Fleur had her heart set, and Carina couldn't say no.

Carina spoke fluent French, an aftermath of her homeschooling career, and Fleur subsequently had been amazed when Carina had reprimanded her when she first arrived at the Burrow, talking about how quaint it was.

"Je sais que ce n'est pas beaucoup, mais il faut le surmonter," Carina sighed exasperatedly. (I know it isn't much, but it must be overcome.)

"Tu parle français! " Fleur had spoken excitedly. (You speak French!) "Je suis désolé, je ne savais pas." (I am sorry, I did not know.)

Carina smiled at her. "C'est bon, mais s'il vous plaît ne pas le faire à nouveau." (It's fine, but please do not do it again.)

Fleur nodded with a smile, and hurried on towards her room.


It was the day of the wedding, and Carina descended the stairway, kissed Fleur twice on the cheeks while offering her congratulations, and headed out to the venue.

After the ceremony had finally finished, something Carina thought might never come, she sat at a table on the side of the reception hall, watching Bill and Fleur dance contentedly.

It wasn't long before Viktor Krum joined her, offering his crooked smile that she easily returned.

"Come to ask to borrow Hermione again?" Carina asked, and he chuckled.

"No, no, I have already danced with her."

Carina plastered on a fake shocked expression, throwing her hand to her chest dramatically. "Without my permission? The nerve! Well, if you aren't here for that, why are you here?"

Krum offered her his hand. "I wanted to dance with you. Catch up, if you would."

Carina smiled then, and it reached her eyes for the first time all day. "I'd love to, Viktor. And I must say, your English has improved greatly. I barely even hear the accent."

Viktor accepted her compliment with grace, and led her through a peaceful waltz in which they both exuded class and beauty.

About halfway through the dance Viktor pulled her in, wrapping his arms around her chest and whispering in her ear. "You're in love with Herm-io-ninny, aren't you?"

Carina tilted her head slightly up so she could reach his ear. "Herm-io-ninny? No. Hermione? Yes."

Krum giggled, and Carina cocked an eyebrow. "Never took you for the giggling type, Mr. Manly Quidditch Player."

"I guess we are all full of surprises," Krum said fondly. "Now shut up and twirl."

Carina laughed out loud, curls flying every which way and he dipped her, a tender smile playing with his lips. "I want Hermione to be happy. If she is happy with you, so be it. You have my blessing."

Carina looked down, suddenly shy. She didn't like the way Viktor could see right through her, but in a way it was comforting. "Thanks, Vikki. I appreciate it."

"Don't call me Vikki," Krum growled, and the tension in the air dissipated, the pair finishing their dance in a comfortable silence.

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