Chapter 18: Cereal/Mall

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Mia's POV

"Eomma? Appa?" I called out. They were just in front of me... I looked around the streets, walking in one direction, until an alley catches my attention. Without even hesitating, I walked into it. I was about a fourth of the way in when I stopped. Trying to pick up my feet, I watched what was happening. Everything around me disappeared into a pitch black void. My heart started pounding. I turned around and there was a scene. With my heart still racing, I watched. A man and woman were trapped at the end of an alley by three men, their guns pointed at the couple's heads. As the woman sobbed, her husband kept a straight face.
"I don't have anything for you," he stated.
"Don't lie. Hand over the purse and your wallet," the masked man in the middle demanded.
Shaking, the woman stepped forward.
"DON'T MOVE!" One of the men yelled, aiming his gun at her. As if possible, she started crying harder and slipped her purse off of her shoulder. I already knew what would happen next.
"EOMMA NO!" I screamed, and a gun shot rang out.

I quickly sat up, sweat and tears staining my face.
This dream haunts me. I have it constantly. Sighing, I sat up and grabbed my phone.
11:36 am
Ugh... The boys didn't wake me up. That means they're at work already. Groaning, I pushed my body up. I swung my legs over the side of the bed. My body shuddered at the coldness of the wooden floor.
I need a carpet in here.
I stood up and sloppily made my bed. Stretching, I walked into the bathroom and looked into the mirror. God I'm a mess.
Hair was in giant clumps, eyes were dark, and I was drowsy. Sighing again, I reached for the brush. This was going to be painful.

After I finished getting ready, I just threw on some comfy cloths. Sweat pants and a sweater. Walking out of the bathroom, I slipped on my adorable panda slippers. Seungri got them for me.

Yawning, I stumbled into the kitchen. I walked to the dishwasher and pulled out a bowl and spoon.
"What flavor?" I sighed looking at the different cereals. I gasped. We have Frosted Flakes! All of a sudden, I had all of the energy in the world! I started pouring the cereal into my bowl, stopping half way. I grabbed a hand full of it and ate it on my way to the fridge.
"Milk milk milk~! Where's the milk~?" I sang, scanning the fridge.
"There you are!" I exclaimed and snatched it. I rushed back to the bowl and was very careful to get the perfect amount of milk. Just a tiny bit below the top of the cereal. I sat the milk down on the counter and investigated it, picking up my spoon. Right on the edge, I dipped the spoon in. Very carefully, I ate it.
"Hmmm... ITS PERFECT!" I screamed in excitement. I quickly put the cereal and milk away, taking the bowl to the living room. The cereal was put onto the coffee table and I set a pillow on my lap. I reach to the table next to the couch and grab the laptop. After logging into her school account, she grabbed her cereal bowl.

2 hours later cause am lazy

"Joe has 53 cakes... Blah blah blah... Leaving him with 13 to himself... How many did his friends take? What the heck? I'm not in kindergarten, people. Of course the answer is diabetes. WHAT DO YOU MEAN 40?" Mia sighed and heard the door click.
"Annyeong~" Taeyang called into the house.
"Hello!" He walks to the living room and sits next to me. Tilting his head, he read the screen.
"But... You were right. 40 makes no sense," he whined.
"Exactly! School sucks."
"At least you're not going to a public school."
"True. Oh, and where are the other guys?"
"They're working late. I finally got that dance you saw perfected!"
"Awesome! So, what're the plans?"
"Well, I was hoping you'd go with me to the grocery store. Maybe we could stop by the mall and get a few things for yourself..."
"Okay I'll get dressed," I ended the conversation and ran upstairs.

-Le time skip-

"Oppa, what about this?" I asked, walking out in a black and white striped shirt.
"Simple, yet cute. Add it to the cart," he grinned and I threw it on the huge pile of cloths.
"I'm done here," I sighed as we grabbed our bags.
"We'll get some food and leave. That sound good?" I nodded, looking down. I'm so tired. How much sleep did I get? Well I went to bed at 10, woke up at 11:30... 10+2 is 12, so 2 hours plus 11 is... 13? 13 and a half hours of sleep? Yeah... I must've gotten too much sleep...
Then I felt myself stumble. The ground got closer and I didn't know how to react. Everything went slow. I looked up and saw Youngbae reaching for me, his hand only grazing my skin. Then I felt nothing beneath me. I watched as the railing fell down two stories, people clearing out of the way. I realized I was going down with it. A tear flew up as I accepted the fact that I might fall, but I wouldn't let the word "death" even come to mind. I'm glad I didn't, because I felt a pair of hands wrap around my arm. My shoulder popped out of place, but that was the least of my worries. Wincing, I turned my head upwards. Youngbae was leaning half way off of the walk way on his stomach, a strong grip on my arm.
"O-oppa?" I cried and a few tears slipped down his face.
"I'm scared."
"Don't worry, I won't let you go, Mia," he readjusted his hands. Because of the way he was laying, the top half of his body over the edge, he couldn't pull me up. We both just hung there, waiting for people to run up and help. Eventually, a couple security guards ran up behind Youngbae and pulled him by his ankles. One guard grabbed my still broken arm and yanked me up.
"AGH!" I yelped and fell in front of his feet, sobbing. Arms wrapped around me, and I leaned back into the shoulder. He turned me around and set me on his lap, and I continued to cry into Youngbae's jacket.

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