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Saturday was upon us and normally I would be down at the beach with the group but instead I'm at the country club since dad keeps mentioning us to his new business partners they want to meet the rest of the family. I was sitting at the table reading a book while dad was talking business stuff.

"Honey" I looked up from my book looking at mum. "Go for a walk, you need to some fresh air and give me your book" she said.

"Alright" I said, I handed her my book getting up from the table walking outside and getting fresh air walking around the country club until finally I found a nice swing to sit on.

"Well someone looks bored" I looked away from my view seeing Luke standing there in a waiters uniform.

"Luke what are you doing here"? I asked

"The boys and I promised to help Connor's mum with her funraiser today, I'm on my break at the moment and I saw you walking around" Luke said taking a seat next to me while putting his arm around me. "So anyway the guys and I were talking earlier and were planning to go on our annual two week camping trip up on the gold coast, you in"? He asked.

It sounded like an adventure and a fantastic road trip but that I meant lying to my dad but I knew mum would let me go.

"Sure I'll just speak to my mum about it" I said smiling

"Okay because I need someone to cuddle and I want my girlfriend there" he said leaning in giving me kiss.

"Okay, okay I will ask but I can't promise anything now I better get back before dad comes"

"Mia"! I heard my father yelled.

"Comes and finds me" I said rolling my eyes. Dad came around the corner with wide eyes seeing me with Luke.

"Mia come on, you have important people to meet" Dad said giving Luke a death stare.

"I'm coming dad" I said. I looked at Luke giving him a quick kiss on the cheek telling him I would text him later. I walked past my father annoyed at the fact that he hates me being happy and in a relationship.

"Why were you with him"? Dad asked after moments of slience in the car on the way home. I turned looking at him annoyed.

"Because Luke was there helping out a charity event for one of my friends mum and I happened to run into him" I said

"I don't want you too see that boy anymore before it gets too serious" Dad said.

"I'm not going to stay away from my boyfriend dad alright and you haven't given him a chance" I said

"Fine you know what I'll give this Luke guy a chance; he can join us for dinner tomorrow night at the country club" Dad told me.

"Alright you've got yourself a deal" I said smiling shaking his hand.

"This isn't going to end well" Mum said rolling her eyes.

Later that night I was on the phone with Luke talking about random things but I still haven't mention him the dinner for tomorrow night.

"Luke, we need to talk" I said sitting up.

"That's never good to hear" Luke said. I was confused at first but soon knew what he meant by that.

"Oh no, no I'm not breaking up with you" I said "Since my father caught us today and we got into a fight in the car we came to an agreement"

"What was that"? He asked.

"My dad wants you to come to dinner tomorrow night; his going to give you a chance" I said smiling through the phone.

"Oh wow now I'm nervous" Luke said.

"Luke you'll be fine plus my mum likes you so your half way there" I said

"Okay I better go help mum with the dishes, I'll see you tomorrow" Luke said "Goodnight"

"Goodnight Luke" I said before hanging up. I was just hoping tomorrow night would be a success and dad would finally like Luke and leave us at peace. 

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