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Today was valentines day, I spent the day getting ready with the girls before we headed back to our houses ready for the boys to pick us up. I was upstairs fixing my hair when I heard mum shouting my name. I ran downstairs seeing Luke standing there in a tux holding flowers, I walked over to him giving him a hug and a little kiss.

"You kids have fun tonight" Mum said smiling at us.

"Alright we will" I said.

"Bye Mrs. Smith" Luke said while holding my hand walking towards the door. I noticed Ashton's truck and I stopped turning to Luke with a confused look on my face. "Before you ask Ashton let me borrow he's truck since he wasn't going to use it tonight and plus I didn't want to use my motorbike because of your hair" Luke said smiling at me.

"Aw you're too cute" I said giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Luke and I jumped out of the truck and in front of us was a building. I turned to Luke smirking at him.

"What no blind fold"? I asked

"Actually" Luke said grabbing a blind fold out of he's pocket

"Spoke to soon" I said rolling my eyes. I turned around so Luke could put it on me and he held my hand so he could guide me through. We walked inside and I heard an elevator ding, Luke was still holding onto me and we walked upstairs, I heard the door open and we fresh breeze come my way.

"Okay one second" Luke said letting go of my hand and un tying my blind fold. Luke took away the blind fold and I opened my eyes seeing a projection screen connected to a laptop. Blankets and pillows all together and by the side was food and drinks. I turned around looking at Luke smiling at him.

"Happy Valentine's Day beautiful" Luke said grabbing my face and giving me a kiss.

"I can't believe you did this" I said giving him a hug.

"It's all for you" Luke told me taking my hand as we walked down little steps towards our little cinema for the night.

"This is so cute" I said taking a seat in the blankets and pillows "And this is so comfy" I said.

"Well I'll let you in on a little secret, all day me and the boys have been going around everywhere helping each other set up and just saying but you had the best date" Luke said smirking.

"Alright don't get too cocky now" I said pushing him lightly.

"Well look behind that pillow you may see a present for you" I looked beside me seeing a huge gift curious as to what it is. I unwrapped it seeing a big fluffy penguin, I looked at Luke a little confused.

"You know how everyone get's a bear for valentine's day, well I got you a penguin because you know it's one of my favourite animals and also when you go back you can cuddle it and think of me" Luke said smiling.

"I'm going to name it Luke, Luke the penguin"! I said smiling like crazy.

"I like it" Luke said. He got up putting on a movie and we cuddled for a bit.

"I'm sorry I forgot your present, I was way too excited and wanted to leave before my father saw you" I said

"It's fine, I'm just glad to be spending valentines with someone I love and that isn't my mum" Luke said.

"Aw you're mum was you're valentine once, aw that's so cute" I said grabbing his cheeks.

"Oh sh, dad was away and I was single so I decided to take mum to dinner and a movie" Luke said "Plus I was fifteen"

"You are so cute" I said giving him a kiss.

"I am about to get a lot more cuter" Luke said turning around handing me a present.

"How many presents have you gotten me"? I asked laughing.

"This one was hand made" Luke said smiling. I opened the card seeing Luke also hand made the card. The front of the card was a picture of Luke and I by the campfire smiling at each other knowing one of the girls took it. I opened the card reading it.

Dear Mia

Words can't describe how happy you have made me this summer, I have made so many memories and been on so many adventures with you. You are perfect in every single way, I adore you so much and I was going to do something romantic and write a song about you but I didn't get it finish in time to perform to you tonight. You are goofy, funny, so much joy inside you and I know you have so much love to give to everyone that you love including me. When I look at you I see you as my future besides my band and I can't wait until my band tours the world and we can travel together.

Luke xx

I opened the present seeing a three frame with pictures of Luke and I. One of me on the beach with him having a piggy back ride. The one in the middle showed Luke and I kissing each other at one of the parties. The next one was us two from the camping trip sitting by the fire cuddling.

"I love it, thank you Luke; I love you so much" I said giving him a hug.

"I want to show you how much you mean to me" Luke said hugging me tightly.

"Well you're doing such a good job" I said giving him a quick kiss.

"I'm glad" Luke said smirking. We watched more movies but then decided to make out since the third movie got boring. Luke was kissing down my neck towards my breast.

"Luke what are we doing"? I asked

"What do you want to do"? Luke asked smirking at me. I smirked back knowing what I wanted and I knew I was one hundred percent ready.

"I think I'm ready" I said

"Are you sure"? Luke asked knowing he wanted to make sure.

"Yes I am sure, now kiss me" I said smirking. Luke leaned in smashing he's lips into mine. 

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