moving in

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cora's pov:

today was the day.

the day i had to move out of my parents house, the house i had lived in for twenty years. gosh that makes me sound really old. i'm cora, cora zerker and just like my brother, i'm a youtuber and quite a good one, well that's what my fans say. 11 million subscribers, that's a lot of people, a lot of people to please. i usually put out one video on my main- cora z and a few videos on c.zgames a week, i make videos on my games channel with josh all the time. but sometime the connection is worse here than where josh lives and we can't play but it's easier than him driving back and forth all the time to millwall from stratford just to play a few games. but sometimes he will come and visit us.

today my parents were moving house, into a smaller one, where there will be no space for me. they have wanted me to move out for a while now, not that they will admit it, but i just didn't think it was going to be so soon. that's where the sidemen come in. josh asked me if i wanted to move into their spare room, forever. of course i said yes, i needed the room and it'll be amazing to live with the boys. so right now i'm finishing packing and then the hire van will be here for me to dump all of my belongings in. saying bye to my mum and dad was easier than expected, they literally just said "bye, see you in a few weeks" and then closed the door behind me. fantastic. when i arrived at the house, i called josh to open the gate and let me in and then josh, simon, jj, and vik all helped unload all my stuff.

this house is like the tardis, bigger on the inside. the boys took me a tour before they had to record and i had to unpack. i started with clothes because there was more of that than anything. soon enough the boxes were empty and the room looked more lively, it was a creme colour and i'd decided to keep it that way. when i finally sat down to edit yesterday's q&a there was a loud knock at the door. simon opened it and tobi, ethan, and calfreezy walked in, i hadn't seen cal in about a year and as soon as he seen me he left the other boys and engulfed me in a hug i hugged him back, we stayed like this until we realised everyone had gone to the living room.

when we walked in everyone was having their own conversations so cal and i done the same, we caught up about what had happened in the last year. unfortunately cal's girlfriend cheated on him and they broke up, and my childhood dog ernie had died.

"who wants nando's" jj yelled aggressively.

"i do!" i yelled back.

i actually love food, i have an obsession. is that bad? i had a grilled chicken burger and peri-peri fries. when we were all finished cal had to go, i said bye to him and went and sat next to tobi. we talked for ages about things like dogs to editing tips and then we went to record a fifa video.

"do want to go to the pitch tomorrow and film some videos" i asked him.

"yeah of course, just us two or everyone?" he said.

i told him i didn't mind and he explained how just the two of us being there will improve our skills but i didn't really get what he was going on about.

soon enough tobi, ethan and harry went back to their flats and the five of us in the house put on a movie, i suggested anabelle but jj and simon were not for that so we decided on back to the future. we all had seen it a thousand times but didn't really mind as we would have been there all night trying to decide on anything else. it was a good night with popcorn and chocolate and cuddles. i used jj's elevator to get to my room because i'm lazy. i thought to myself that staying here would be the best time of my life and didn't care if my parents thought otherwise.

i feel asleep shortly after that in my pjs, but woke up again about 10 minutes later because of shouting down stairs, being the curious person that i am i walked down to find simon, josh and jj playing the wii, i stumbled into the room pissed as ever and lay on the sofa watching them fail at tennis until i fell asleep.

sooooooo, that was the first chapter of my first story on wattpad. and i know that it was short, it's tired, i'm late. hopefully i can update this story often but who knows. thanks for reading!


cora || tobi brown [editing] Where stories live. Discover now