football and storms

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cora's pov

today is the day i am going to play football with tobi, i know him really well as he was always over at our house when him and josh were kids. he's really good at football and have you seen his pace, i think i'm pretty good at running but compared to tobi i'm like a snail.

i got up and changed in to my crystal palace shirt and a pair of sidemen leggings, put my hair in a pony tail and went downstairs to eat something. i ended up having coco-pops after jj burned all the bacon, i don't why i insisted on him cooking.

i packed a bag with a few footballs i stole from simon and a water bottle, and of course my phone. literally can't go anywhere without it, i'm like addicted but at least it's not to drugs. it's currently 11:48 and i told tobi i would meet him at the pitch at 12. i got simon to drive me because i don't have a car yet, im saving up for one and let's just say when i buy it even jj will be blown away.

"hey tobes" i shouted to him.

he ran over with his goofy smile and hugged me, i love tobi's hugs. he immediately backed off.

"cora, why are you wearing that disgusting shirt? i can lend you my man united one if you need it"

"wouldn't be caught dead in it." i replied lightly hitting his shoulder.

we started to set up the balls for a crossbar challenge. tobi set up the cameras in different angles and we began. tobi started his intro while i took a run up and barely missed hitting the crossbar.

in total, tobi must have hit it at least 15 times, me? try 4. after we went back to the sidemen house. my house. wow. i took a shower and plated my hair back. i went back downstairs to the boys playing fifa. but jj wasn't there.

"guys, where's jide?" i asked.

"he went to meet his bitch of a girlfriend" simon said.

jealous much.

"aw, i didn't know jj has a girlfriend" i told them.

"i wasn't until we went to the club a few weeks ago, nobody likes her. she's a bitch to everyone" vik said. i hope i don't meet her anytime soon then.

"hey, co i need to get going, i'll see you later, yeah" tobi told me.

"yeah, see you" i said smiling. he kissed my forehead and walked out the door. i turned around to all the boys staring with their jaws open.

"are you sure all you did with tobi was play football?" harry said laughing.

"yes, harry we just played footie" i told him. immature little shit.

i went to my room and set up to record games for a couple hours, playing the classic game of london 2012 and some among us with viewers.

11:20 pm

i decided to record some gta 5 with the boys- minus harry. it was a laugh, ethan just kept getting killed by killjoy and it was hilarious. josh, vik and i teamed up against simon, jj and ethan. tobi didn't pick a side. it was one of the funniest videos i had ever recorded and it lasted about an hour. when we finished the recording session i started to charge all of my cameras. that's when the thunder and lightening started. i hate it. tobi loves it. josh knows i hate it and at the first lightning strike he was in my room.

"hey, hey, hey it's okay, it's not gonna get anywhere near us. calm down, it's okay" he tried to calm me down but it never really works.

he had panic in his voice. josh turned on my bedside table lamp and we sat on my bed just talking, until the power cut out, the first thing i heard was jj yelling in anger, he was probably trying to upload his videos.

josh and i walked downstairs and there was simon, vik, jj and...... tobi? i ran straight into his arms.

"what are you doing here" i ask him.

"i know you hate thunder storms, so i came over to see you" he told me, my heart melted.

all the other boys went to get torches, tobi and i went to my room and he recorded a video of the storm from my window. it was quiet and peaceful, until the thunder thrashed, i immediately threw the closest pillow over my head . tobi ran over and slowly took away the pillow before giving me a hug, he went to my wardrobe and got my pajamas and left the room for a bit, i quickly got them on, wanting nothing more than him to come back.

tobi was in sidemen joggers on, but no shirt. i mean i wasn't staring or anything. he lay on my bed and patted the space beside him, i cautiously lay beside him and cuddled into his side,it felt natural to. he kissed my forehead and told me to get some sleep, i could get used to this.

no cora he's your brother's best friend, i couldn't do that. not right now anyway.

the next morning i woke up to the sun glaring through my window. tobi was still asleep, he looked really cute. i checked my phone and my twitter has blown up. oh no. i got out of tobi's grasp and ran into simon's room.

"simon minter" i yelled, trying not to wake the whole house.

"what's up" he said with a smirk, he knew exactly.

"oh you know just the fact that everyone is shipping #cobi on twitter" i said, i wasn't actually that pissed it was a cute picture. tobi had his arm wrapped around me and i had my head buried into his chest.

"it's soooo cute though, come on cora you have to leave it up" simon told me. i let him keep up the picture, but if i had known about all the fan edits, i would have taken it down right there.

ethan text me saying that he's coming over to record with me, a real life video instead of gaming. i'm pretty sure that harry would be with him. i'm hoping to film a hide and seek video with all the boys to put on my main channel and the stress of that will be over for another week. i'm sure it'll go down well with the fans, they love hide and seek videos, especially the ones with me in them.


cora || tobi brown [editing] Where stories live. Discover now