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Cora's pov
When Tobi and I got to the Sidemen house it was about 11:30. Simon opened the door and welcomed us in. I walked into the living room where everyone was sitting eating McDonald's, then I carefully took off my jacket sitting it on the floor. I seen that there was a few drops of blood on the thin bandage, although it didn't hurt as much now. I pulled out my phone as I was filming my injury for a vlog, because YouTube views these days. I then turned around to face the boys and all their faces all dropped, it was picture perfect. Josh, being my brother and all was the first person to ask what actually happened, and then it was story time. I explained that I was picking up a go-pro and cut my arm on glass, the glass coming from a broken window. Then I showed the boys the footage of it actually happening. Everyone stayed silent.
"The one thing I told you was to be careful." Tobi whispered.
"I know, I'm sorry. It was a stupid idea, I most likely will not be doing that again." I responded.
"Most likely?" JJ asked.
"You know what I mean." I said.
"Did it hurt?"
"Like a bitch."
"Did you get stitches?."
"Yeah. Elliot drove to the hospital."
"Was it Joe's fault?"
"No Jide. It was not Joe's fault."
These were only a few questions that I was interrogated with. Eventually the boys settled down and I sat next to Josh then snuggled under Tobi's arm.
"CoCo your bleeding." Josh said looking at my arm.
"Hey I'm the only one who calls her CoCo!" Tobi argued.
"Well alright then!" Josh argued back.
"Don't mind me I'll just bleed to death." I whispered rolling my eyes. I stood up and walked into the kitchen, looking for a new bandage. Tobi came through and because he is taller than me, managed to reach the first aid kit that was in the top cupboard. The boys were all now in the kitchen, throwing out their McDonald's. When I took off the bandage JJ yelled, he doesn't like the sight of blood. I used a cloth to wipe the blood, I realised that one of my stitches had came out. I couldn't do anything so I put some duck tape over it then bandaged it up. Honestly could be a nurse. I decided to go up to my room and get started on editing the vlog. It was only about 5 minutes long, the football video that I filmed there would go out in a few days so it gave me time to edit the vlog. I wrote a description telling my viewers why I was there in the first place and then posted the video. It was graphic but I put many disclaimers- I SLICED MY ARM WHILE EXPLORING A HAUNTED SCHOOL ( GONE WRONG) (BLOOD WARNING) (IN THE HOOD). Yeah, that's enough warnings.

"Hey Cora. Do you wanna join our recording session. We're playing Dead By Daylight. Me, JJ, Josh and Vik." Simon asked me.
"Yeah sure. Just let me join the Skype call and get my game working." I replied.
"Okay. Kill you soon."
"In your dreams Minter."
"Just you wait Zerker."
"Hmmm" I said walking into my room again.
I got comfy on my gaming chair and got prepared for a few hours of recording, although I was very tired.


I was now the killer and had Vik and JJ on the hook. I knew that Simon had found the hatch and Josh tried to save Vik and I got him down too. JJ died and then 5 minuets later Vik had too. Simon tried to heal Josh but I managed to chainsaw him, then he left Josh and escaped using the hatch. Then Josh Died. I thought that it was a great round and now it was JJ's turn to be the killer.
Tobi walked into my room and lay on my bed. Our fans are already really suspicious about our relationship so to see him in my room would actually set them over the edge. I went back to playing the game and at the end of it I escaped by the hatch. We all stopped recording but stayed on Skype to each other, Tobi was asleep. I had to leave the call as I was behind on videos for my second channel. I played some Fortnight, Fifa 18 and The Sims 4. It was late, really late and I was about to go to sleep when Vik texted me. Looks like I'm not getting any sleep tonight.

Then I made my way down to his room

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Then I made my way down to his room. We spend the next hour laughing at the answers of stupid people. We only got up to 67,000 after 10 rounds because we're stupid. Vik had been sleeping until 3pm today, so he wasn't tired. But I got up at 11:45am and it was now 3:30am. I waddled back up to my room and seen that Tobi was still sleeping. I got in beside him and tried to get some sleep.
I woke up a few hours later to a bang. I looked up to see Tobi standing up looking at the ground, he squatted down and picket up his phone.
"Aw shit." He said angrily.
The screen was cracked into many pieces. It was a shame, although it was only an iPhone 6, and everyone else who lives here has the 7.
"Does it turn on?" I croaked out.
"Aw Cora. I'm sorry I woke you babe. But yeah it turns on but there's lines." He replied.
I thought about it. I was in a great financial situation and could buy Tobi a new phone without going into debt, I mean, I kind of just bought a Lamborghini. Although I had only 3 hours of sleep, I got dressed into a khaki Sidemen tracksuit and walked down stairs to grab some toast. Then told Tobi that I had to run a few errands. I drove to Westfields and went straight to the Apple Store, I looked around at the iPhone 7 and 7+'s. Before deciding to buy Tobi a matte black IPhone 7.
The boy who I had asked to buy it from knew me from YouTube and was a big fan he also seen my 7+ in my hand and asked who this phone was for, I didn't want to say Tobi as then he would ask if we were dating.
"Just a friend. He smashed his phone this morning." I told him.
"Oh, Tobi?" He said. "It's on Twitter that he smashed his phone."
"Yeah. Tobi." I said sheepishly. "But don't tell anyone, please."
"I won't. As long as I can have a picture." He bargained.
"Sure." I replied.
I got a really shiny gift bag and put the phone inside. Then drove back home hoping that Tobi was still there. I walked straight in because someone left the door unlocked. Probably me.
"Hey CoCo, I thought you were gonna be out all day." Tobi said pressing his lips onto mine.
"Ew. Get a room guys." JJ said walking past.
"At Least I have a girlfriend Jide." Tobi said.
"Tobes come and sit down I need to show you something." I said, holding his hand and dragging him into the empty living room. He sat down and I took out the bag from behind my back, Placing it on Tobi's lap.
"Surprise!" I exclaimed.
He reached into the bag and brought out the phone.
" Oh my god Cora! Oh my gosh thank you sooo much!" He yelled throwing his arms around me.
"I love you so much." Tobi whispered in my ear.
"I love you too handsome." I whispered into his shoulder.
He pulled away smiling.
"I have to go set this up. Come with me?" He asked.
"Sure. Let me get my shoes back on." I laughed.
I ran upstairs and got some pajamas as I knew I'd be spending the night at his, then ran back down and we both got into my car. As it was about lunchtime, London was busy. Busier than normal. When we finally got to Tobi's flat, I collapsed onto the sofa. Spending half the day on 3 hours of sleep wasn't easy and I was ready for a nap. So when Tobi sat down next to me, put on some quiet t.v channel and started threading his hand threw my hair. I fell straight asleep, entering the world of abyss.

• It's midnight and my brain is fried. I'm also supposed to be going swimming in the morning but I'm so tired and don't wanna drown.
• Also if you couldn't work out this book is set last year (2017). I will keep writing and get it to 2018 where the KSI vs Weller fight will take place and I'm nervous about writing that so we'll see 😂.

-H x

cora || tobi brown [editing] Where stories live. Discover now