Plans & Authors Note

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(Not a representation of Cora, just imagine this is that she is wearing)

I woke up to find myself in Tobi's bed. I never fell asleep in this position so he must have carried me in here. The flat was quiet, too quiet. I walked through into the living room to find it empty, walking over to the coffee maker I found a letter.

Hey CoCo.
Hope you had a good sleep, you needed it. I'm just down a few floors filming with Harry and Ethan. I'll be back as soon as I can sweetheart.
I love you.
Tobi xx

He was actually the cutest person on the planet. I made some breakfast and then devoured it quickly, before taking out my laptop to edit the videos that I recorded last night. I went onto Vik's channel to see that our Google Feud video had been posted, and that people were calling us stupid, which was true for me, but Vik is very smart.
It was quite warm in the flat so I changed into one of Tobi's oversized jumpers and fluffy socks. I sat cross legged on the sofa with my coffee watching CSI when there was a knock at the door, when I stood up to open the door the crumbs on my lap fell onto the floor. I then realised what I was wearing and how it wasn't exactly appropriate to answer the door, but with a quick "fuck it." I did it anyway.
Thankfully, it was only JJ.

"Hey Jide, come in." I smiled.

"You haven't been on Twitter have you?" He muffled.

"No I haven't, I guess shits went down." I said.

"You could say that." He giggled.
I opened Twitter and seen the latest thing tweeted.

I opened Twitter and seen the latest thing tweeted

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My eyes widened.

"This has got to be some kind of sick joke Jide." I said.

"It's fake beef Cora, don't worry. But for it to be realistic, we need your help." He explained.

"fantastic." I rolled my eyes.

There was another knock on the door.

"I'll get it." He said.

"Tobi, Hey welcome home."

"I was gone for an hour JJ." Tobi laughed.
came over to see me.

"Cora!, hey baby." Tobi smiled hugging me.

"Right. We all need to get over to the Sidemen house, plan out all this drama." JJ announced.

"Okay, who's car?" I asked.

"Probably mine, considering it's the only car with more than two damn seats." Tobi said.

"Alright then." I giggled.

"I'll go and sit in your car Tobi, and by the way Cora, nice outfit." JJ chuckled.

I seen Tobi roll his eyes as JJ left the apparent, I leaned up and kissed him pulling him down onto the sofa. As I pulled away he looked at my outfit and smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2019 ⏰

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