Football Death Run

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I was the first to wake up. Simon, Tobi and JJ were still asleep when I walked into the living room to find Freezy, Lux, Lewis, Manny, Ethan, Harry, Will and Vik. Apparently we were filming a football video today and I wasn't made aware of it. My only question was 'Why is Will here, he can't play football.' But I went to greet them all just the same.
"Where's Simon, Tobi and Jide." Josh said.
"Still asleep, I'll go and get them." I said.
I walked into the dark movie room and JJ was awake, he was just on his phone.
"Hey buddy. How's it going." I asked.
"Hey. I'm good." JJ replied.
JJ and I woke up Tobi and Simon and we all went into the living room to talk about random shit nobody needs to know and then we all got ready to go to the football pitch. Tobi and I drove in my Lamborghini. And the rest of the boys used their own cars. When we got there we filmed different Crossbar Challenges and Penalty's for everyone's channels. And then for Harry's we filmed "Football Death Run" and if you couldn't tell, this was not going to go smoothly. Tobi tried to convince Harry it was a terrible idea and somebody was going to be hurt, and he wasn't wrong. Whilst filming it was JJ and Lewis's turn. JJ was hit by the ball and fell to the ground, but he was fine really he just got everybody's attention by being loud. But in the background I could see Lewis on the ground too. I ran over to him and took off his blindfold, his eye was covered in blood. By this point everyone could see that there was something wrong with Lew. Turns out he ran into the fence and the space between his eye and his eyebrow had been slashed. He said he was fine and Harry finished recording. It had stopped bleeding and I used a bottle of water to clean the slash. But it was open wide and needed stitches.
"Lew I'll take you to the hospital, I have nothing else to do today and the boys are only going to Nando's." I said.
"Okay. Yeah I think I'm going to need stitches." He replied.
I walked over to the group of boys and told them I'd take Lewis to the hospital. Josh volunteered to come with us but I told him that we would be fine and I'd text him when I was there. He hugged me goodbye and I took Lew to my car.
"Hey, just try not to get blood on the new car. But if you do, don't worry about it." I laughed out.
"I'll try my hardest Cora. You've got a sick car you know, it's an honour to have you drive me, even if it is to the hospital." He said.
"Well I don't think I'm the best driver so just hold on." I giggled.
We got to the hospital and I took Lewis to the front desk, the receptionist said that we would have to sit in Accident and Emergency. Everybody knows that you can easily sit there for 4 hours before anyone even pays attention to you, even if your arms broken.
"You okay" I asked him when we sat down on the uncomfortable green chairs.
"Yeah. I'll be fine, what about you? Don't pretend that you never hurt yourself when we were filming Will's video." He asked me.
"I'll be fine, it's just a bruise. You have a gash covering your eyebrow." I responded.

- 1 hour later -

"I'm so bored!" Lewis spoke into my shoulder.
"Yep, I am too. Hold up, don't get blood on my shoulder Lew." I said back to him.
Allot of the people that were here when we arrived had been seen so hopefully Lewis would get seen soon.

- 2 hours later -

Boy was I wrong.
3 hours after we arrived Lewis finally got seen, I went into the room with him when he was getting his stitches. The really funny thing was when he had to explain to the person what had happened. That was jokes. He got a gauss put on it so that it wouldn't bleed even if the stitches were there. After being free to leave Lewis and I went back to the Sidemen House as the boys would probably have finished in Nando's 2 hours ago.
We arrived home and I was greeted by Vik at the door. Everyone was either in the kitchen or living room so Lewis went to tell them all about the hospital. I was looking for Tobi, I found him in my room away from everyone and I was concerned as he never doesn't want to mingle.
" Tobs you okay babe?" I lightly said.
He got up from my bed and hugged me tight. I leaned in and kissed him and he pulled me into the bed. We had a short make out session before I wanted to know what was wrong with Tobi.
"You gonna tell me what's wrong now?"
"I was jealous Cora, so jealous and I'm sorry. You were away with Lewis for 3 hours and I thought you had just went off with each other. And I didn't want to phone you in case you were in the hospital room or hanging out with Lewis without Me. Because I was worried that you liked him more than me. And I'm so sorry babygirl. So sorry."
I had tears running down my face as he finished talking. I felt so bad that I didn't ask him to come or tell him I was going.
"Tobs. I love you so much, you know that. And I could never leave you because your the best thing that's ever happened to me. I'm sorry that I never asked you along so that you wouldn't have been so worried." I told him.
He put his arms around me and we cuddled on the bed with kisses every once in a while. He had calmed down until there was a knock at the bedroom door.
"Hey. It's Lewis, can I come in?"
Tobi rolled his eyes and hung on to me tight.
"Yeah Lew whatever" I yelled.
"Hey sorry for interrupting, I just wanna thank you for taking me to the hospital and for your company Co. Your the best, but I've gotta go now so I'll see you later, yeah?" He said.
"Yeah course Lewis, see you later then" I replied.
He left and shut the door before I snuggled back into Tobi's side.
"I know your pissed off with him, but he's gone now so just relax, please?" I said.
"Yeah of course. Anything for my girl" He replied kissing my cheek. I turned around when he was kissing my cheek and his lips landed on my mine. He giggled at my actions before kissing back and eventually staying overnight... again.

•I didn't want to make Lewis the baddie in this chapter cause he's so innocent, but that's The was it turned out 😂
•I also am loving the 230+ reads that this book is getting so Thank You So Much 😊
• And Also Happy New Year! 🎉
-H x

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