His clothes you like to steal

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You like to steal Laurence's striped shirt, mostly because it has his scent.
When he's not looking or asleep you like to steal his green hoodie because it's warm en cozy.
When he's at work you like to put on his blue plaid shirt and pretend to be him. Although he's caught you before..
When Dante's away or sucked into the tv again you go up to your room and steal his red hoodie.
When Gene's at work you go to the back of your closet (you have a walk in closet) and steal his old skull hoodie from when he was still in high school.
When he's not home you go up to your room and steal his red hoodie (The one he wears in Mystreet season 1)
When he's gone you like to steal his PDH uniform. (I don't really know any of his other clothes..)
When he's out or asleep you like to steal his mask and pretend to be him..
You like to steal his scarf and use it as a hat or blanket :D..

An: That was everything I hope you enjoyed and i just wanted to apologize for not updating since i'm working on a longer chapter, How he confesses to you, since it's pretty long i decided to make a little chapter in between..
Bye! Nya~ -Lizzie

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