Zane's Confession

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"Zane Ro'Meave here.."

"So today.. today I'm telling you my story.. this.. this is my confession.."

"Today.. is the anniversary.. It's exactly three years already.. since that day.. we really thought we were gonna get better.. what a fucking joke.."

"The funny thing is though.. I always thought that if one of us would succumb to the pressure.. it would be me.."

"Not him.."

"Not Travis.."

"But you see.. The thing is.. Travis was a person.. who was known for not doing things half way.. he always strove for perfection.. always flirting.. looking his best.. being friendly to everyone he knew.. even me.. he always pushed himself to the limit.. so.. when things didn't go according to plan.. he just kept pushing harder.."

"At first we thought that he was just a bit upset.. But.. as time went by.."

"I started noticing a pattern.."

"He pushed himself way to hard.."

"Due to stress he didn't sleep well.. and didn't eat that much.."
"Me and Dante tried looking out for him.."
"All of us were scared for his health.."
"But no matter what we did.. he didn't listen.."


"Exhaustion took it's toll.. and.. he collapsed.. he had to be hospitalized.."

"I believe.. that people don't realize how bad depression truly is.."

"You keep focusing on the negative things about you for too long.. and suddenly.."

"You can't seem to find a way out.."

"That's what his message said.. when I.. When I found him that day.."


"After that.. everything changed.."

"We had no idea what to do next.. so.. we decided to take a break from each other.."

"Yeah.. haha.. that was the worst idea ever.."

"You see.. for some of us.. it really looked like things were gonna get better.. but for others..

"After what happened.. Dante and I got really close.. probably because we spent almost every night drinking together.."

"It was June 16 2020, when we decided to meet up again.. most of us.. didn't come.. because they had started a new life.. they didn't care anymore.. but us six.. did.. another bad choice.."

"Me and Aphmau were the first to show up.. but she said some things.. that I didn't agree with.. and I snapped.. I remember throwing things and saying some stuff that I didn't mean.. I was drunk.. but.. Aphmau got so upset.. she.. ran away.."

"When the others arrived they went looking for her.. leaving Dante and me behind.."

"That's when I noticed.. something sticking out of his pocket.. pills.."

"I asked him about it but he just looked at me.. tears in his eyes.. that's when we got a call.. it was Aph.. Lucinda had gotten into a car accident.. she didn't survive.."

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