Chapter 4~ Jacob

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Alice's P.O.V

After the incident that afternoon, Rachel and I noticed the rain was fading away so soon the day would get better weather wise. We walked upstairs and the guys went and sat on the couch watching TV and being guys. I pulled out my phone to see a text from my brother, also literally my best friend other than Rachel.

Hey! Saw your text and decided to take your offer. Be there in 10 :)

"Oh, Rachel, Jacob is going to be here in 10, he decided to come and stay."

"Oh, awesome sauce! Tell him he can just walk in and lock the door." She said we sat on her bed, her bedframe is against the wall so I lied on the right, Rachel took left. Her room is a lot larger than mine.

Ten minutes later

We heard Jacob walk in and close the door, which triggered the guys to walk to the door and see if it was an intruder. We decided to run downstairs. It's been a while since I've got to hang out with my big brother. He's usually always busy or tired. I was so excited to see him. Its hard when we're separated for a long time... We've been together through thick and thin since birth. He's a good guy.

"Alice?" He called, then seeing two guys standing in front of him as he set his bag down on the floor, then took his jacket off and set it on top.

"JACOB! JACOB! JACOB I MISSED YOU!" I yelled bouncing around and running at him. I hadn't realized I didn't stop, he caught me by surprise and picked me up and swung me around in circles.

"Alice! Hahaha I missed you so bad!" He said putting me down and pulling me in for a big hug. He's a little teddy bear with me, around other people, not so much.

"So Alice... Is this your... Boyfriend?" Jack said as I look over to him and let go of Jacob.

"No, Jack, this is my big brother, Jacob. I said awkwardly looking at Jack.

"Oh. My. God. Alice. I am so so so so freaking sorry. I didn't kno--"

"Hey man, don't worry, no biggy." Jacob said swinging an arm around my shoulder leaning on me and I gave him a small tiny giggle.

"Why don't we introduce ourselves, Jacob, I'm Erin and this is J--"

"Jack, right?" He said holding both hands out, signaling for hand shakes from the two guys.

I just got this sudden feeling, Jack was giving off not so good vibes when I ran to Jacob, he was acting unusual, which wasn't really like him.

The guys went upstairs while I helped Jacob carry his stuff up the stairs.

"I am so happy we get to hang out. I mean, it's fine if you hang out with the guys more, I get it. Guy thing." I made him chuckle and we went our separate ways, I walked into Rachel's room, he walked to Erin's.

Rachel's mom makes a shit load of money, which is why she goes on vacation for a week literally every month. But we get to stay at her house for the week since they can do absolutely whatever they want while she's gone (as long as their mom doesn't know). Also explains why they have like three rooms each. They also have three single beds and a double bed. Room for three friends in the singles, but I just sleep with Rachel in her bed since it's more comfortable.

They also have a pool, trampoline, all sorts of foods, flat screens, literally everything I couldn't have unless I worked for it. Maybe not. I'm not that good.

Midnight~ 12:03

So Rachel and I decided to watch a movie on her fancy flat screen on the wall, which we can see from lying in bed which is awesome. We then heard a knock on the door. Rachel sighed. "What do you want! Come in." She said sitting up, I followed her and sat up also.

"Sis, can we watch the movie too? It would be more fun to watch it the five of us." Erin said walking in the door, my brother following inside as well.

"Whatever! Just hurry the movie is starting!" She said as they ran and sat down. There was a empty bed next to me, since from the left wall went Rachel then I in the double bed, an empty single then my brother and Erin against the wall. That means...

"Sorry I got cold, so I put my jacket on." Jack said walking in the room and sitting against the bedframe. He was next to me. Eventually, everyone was sitting against the bedframe, and a scary part came upon the movie. I reached over and grabbed the popcorn bowl from Rachel, only to realize she was knocked out cold. She did wake up pretty dang early. I looked over at the three boys, to see everyone but Jack sleeping. They promised they wouldn't fall asleep in here, but oh well.

"Hey Alice, pass the popcorn?" Jack said poking my arm, I looked at him and he was on his knees with his hands on the edge of my side of the bed.

"Catch." I whispered tossing a popcorn piece at his mouth and he actually caught it. Pretty good skills he has.

"Dang, nice one... But can you catch this one!" I yelled in a whisper. I threw the piece of popped corn straight in the air above me, and I had a feeling this would end badly, but it was one of those moments where it felt like a good idea. To my surprise, he had almost leaped off the bed and caught the popcorn. After he landed on me, his feet hung off the bed and he clung onto me, and yelled,"woah!" And pulled me down with him. The popcorn bowl was on the floor and I fell on the floor too. As I look up, I see Jack on top of me. We fell and made a very loud thud, causing the boys to wake, then Rachel. I guess she is a light sleeper.

Jack's P.O.V

Seeing Alice underneath me, we starred at each other for what seemed to be hours, only to become a few seconds. We were so unaware of what was happening right now. All we did was stare into each other's eyes. I see a shadow walk to the wall, then the lights came on.

"J-jack? Wha-what are you doing to my sister?" I hear from Jacob as I again, have to snap out of my zone and go back to the present.


"Jacob, it was an accident. We fell after catching popcorn in our mouths." Alice said as I got off her and helped her up.

"Mmmm... Can we just go back to bed?" Rachel mumbled something else and rubbed her eyelids.

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