Q&A with Persona!

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All: Welcome to our first Q&A!

Izuku: Oh man! I can't believe we're really doing this! Especially since after the last chapter we went up by two thousand two hundred readers!

Kashikoi: Yes. Quite shocking. We never expected to get this much attention. Though I'm somewhat sad at the lack of questions some asked and the contest Mr. Anime_Multiplay_ worked so hard on barley got any attention.

Hazama: Now Now. He was happy none the less but we really must thank the readers for their support.

Sora: True, they help with the story and its progress.

Chibi: Come on! Enough with the talking, lets answer some questions!

Jack: Your damn right kid! Lets see what the readers asked. *Claps Hands* Kashikoi! The Laptop!

Kashikoi: *Eyeroles as all sit on the couch while chibi sits on the floor drawing* Yeah yeah. First question.

Q: Rumonster279 Hey Jack do you think that you can relate to Bakugou since both of you are flaming bombs just waiting to go off? XD

Jack: HELL NO! Granted I'm furious when people tick me off but at least I'm not an abusive prick and can control myself!

Hazama: It's true. I believe most people would call him a delinquent, but none the less his heart is golden. He even accompanies me on shopping trips with me and mother from time to time. Even plays with Chibi and gives him piggy back rides from time to time.

Chibi: Yeah his rides are always fun!

Jack: *Looks away covering his blushing face* Shut up! I don't wanna hear it coming from you!

Izuku: W-Well Jack's personality aside, let's move onto the next shall we. Oh! W-Well this is um interesting.

Q: Spyroguy If their are multiple personas of Izuku, all with the exception of Chibi. As teenage boys can develop feelings to a certain girl of all can have one favorite girl. So who do all of you like?

Izuku: Um...W-well to be honest I kinda like a girl that would be cute and, I guess normal for me. but caring and fun to be with. Maybe Uraraka, or Itsuka Kendou from class 1-B. Maybe Tooru even.

Hazama: I am Izuku's love of everyone and more confident and 'classy' self. So it wouldn't matter because I would treat any woman with all my love and passion for her

Jack: First, cover your ears Chibi. And Hazama cover his hands over his ears.

Hazama takes his hands and grasp Chibi's small hands and covers his ears with his and Chibi's hands.

Jack: Now, I'm not gonna deny this. But I prefer women with a bit of spunk in them. And if wanting to judge by size like most asshole's out their. I'd say I prefer both thicc and semi-skiny bitches. *Shivers* That Mei Hatsume. Woo! She drives me wild! She's got spunk and a wild gal! But I also am interested in Mina, girl looks like she's the queen on a dance floor.

Izuku: Kashikoi? What about you?

Kashikoi looks away with a blush on his face as all of them look at him. Each grinning and tackle him down and tickle him till hes crying of laughter.

Kashikoi: O-O-Ohkaaaay I-Ill talk! *Gets up and breaths* Ahem. Well first, Hazama keep your hands on Chibi's ears.

Hazama: Havent taken them off yet.

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