oh, how strange

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Death sat in the chair beside mine and oh, how we made a lovely couple

How strange it was to be strangers again

Because some labour against the dangers of death without realising that death is, in fact, a cure to everything

But it is not one to sign off on paper like a medical certificate or divorce

Words taper at the edges

When we both know that I know that they are solely hedges of pretty roses and thorns of false hope hiding ledges behind leaves as a defence

Looks falter after seconds

When we both know that you know I am standing at an alter wedding my own self-loathing

Matrimonial speech is self-deprecating

Appreciating that you will spend my last year's reciprocating the feelings I keep for myself.

Touches as rare as legends

When we both know that everyone knows that light cannot hide a shadow, only cast it

And a boy with no titles but 'the artist' has no friends beside the shadow on his wall and the happiness in his casket

Feelings wavered in our letters

When nobody knew that neither of us knew that there are no happily ever afters

Our ropes hang from different rafters woven of emptiness and laughter

But now I know that you know that we both know that this does not get the best of us, only the better of us

While you are the certainties of dawn and dusk

I hide away in midnights disguised as sunshine

Trapped between almost and not quite

Never living but stealing highs from the daylight

There is no fascination without a dash of misery in my life

Our destination is a mystery void of happy endings

I wrote stories you became them

Oh how strange it is to be strangers again

When this time we are not in danger.

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