Stargazing: Chapter Six

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I woke up with bullets of sweat draining from my body, my breathing shaky and my mind going completely haywire. The dream I had was a horrible memory from a couple months back, the thing that made me come to the camp.

The monster, the voices in my head, the water washing over my face in and instant that came with the feeling of being drowned and killed.... everything. Nothing seemed normal then, and being led back to a camp by a bickering couple didn't reassure me. I tried to get my mind off of the dream and convert my thoughts to getting back to sleep, but I couldn't. So I pulled on a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie, followed by my favorite pair of white converse. I slipped my ugly high ponytail through my hands and pulled the ends in front of my shoulder before lifting my hood up. It was currently raining outside but I didn't mind.

Except for the fact a lightning bolt could be shot from Your Royal Ass himself and I could be killed on point.

Minor issues.

I walked out of my cabin and took in the bittersweet smell of fresh rain hitting the earth, sighing at the silence I surrounded myself with. I walked around the camp, the only light being the moon.

"Can't sleep?" I heard a familiar voice, and I turned around to see Leo looking at me with tired eyes and a lazy smile. I nodded and looked across the lake, sighing. "Good because neither can I." he released a sigh of relief and I looked up at him, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked, and Leo shook his head.

"I just can't sleep... like you." he said, and I sat down on the shore of the lake, Leo's feet following me and mirroring my position. Leo and i sat in silence before the presence of another pair of feet came next to me, Nico sitting down next to me and taking in a deep breath.

"Hey." I said quietly, and Nico acknowledged my greeting with an equally quiet "hi". He wasn't the talking sort.

"The trio of insomniacs." Leo laughed, and I cracked a smile.

"More like the trio of shitty pasts." Nico groaned, and I looked at him.

"Accurate." I sighed, and laid on the ground, my hipbones exposed to the moonlight. The rain subsided as I looked up at the sky, counting the stars and pointing out my favorite constellation. "There's Orion." I said, tracing my finger around the constellation. "Then there's Taurus... and Canis Minor."

"How do you know all of those?" Leo asked, and I shrugged, still laying down on the ground.

"I had a lot of time on my hands when I was little, I guess." I suggested, although I had no clue how I knew the constellation names. "There's Canis Major by the way." I said, pointing near the bottom of Orion. Nico laid down next to me and looked up at the stars, Leo soon joining. I showed them the stars and pointed out the North star.

"If you can find that star, you can find your way home. It always points north." I explained, and in the corner of my eye I saw Nico's lips form a smile. "What's up, di Angelo?" I smirked, and Nico looked at me and rolled his eyes, his smile disappearing. "Fine." I sighed, and looked up back at the stars.

We spent our night staring up at the stars, stating our life goals and ambitions. The three of us knew that not many demigods lived to have children and grow old, but we still liked dreaming. Nico didn't talk much about who he wanted to be when he grew older, but I guessed that came with being the son of Hades. As the night passed, our eyelids dropped and I lazily fell asleep, listening to the water splash onto the shore below our feet.

A/N: this is an extremely short and shitty chapter, but I wanted to put something up before I go on another hiatus. I've been dealing with exams and dance auditions, so I don't have a lot of time to write! But I still think about Rowan and everyone else at CHP :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2014 ⏰

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