Where'd Our Half-Blood Go?

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To say the least, I just couldn't act the same around Percy. I guess it was because he had closed up ever since we had figured out he was a Half-Blood. "Where's Percy?" I asked Hermione, who was working on a charms essay.

"I don't know, but maybe we should give him some space."

"Why?" I asked. She looked up from her charms essay, regarding me like I was an idiot. "Why?" she repeated as if she hadn't heard me. I nodded cautiously as I saw her get angry.

"Because we followed him! He might feel betrayed, I bet he thought we were his friends and now he knows we didn't trust him!" she snapped.

"Who won't trust you?" asked a voice. I turned around to see Neville. I ignore his question and asked him, "Have you seen Percy?" he frowned a little, before nodding. "Yeah, he went into the Forbidden Forest awhile ago."

"What?" Hermione demanded. "He went into the Forest, I couldn't stop him." Neville defended himself. She leapt up, stuffing her essay in her bag.

"Harry, go fetch Ron! The centaurs will kill him!" Hermione snapped. I nodded and leapt up, not wanting to face Hermione's wrath. I sprinted into our dorm room, which Ron was the only one inside.

"Ron, Hermione told me to come and get you." I said. Ron, who was sitting on his bed, rolled out and landed with a fairly loud THUMP.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because Hermione said so," I snapped, making Ron jump up quickly. We raced down to the common room after I had grabbed my invisibility cloak to see Hermione pacing the room. "What took you two so long? Oh, it doesn't matter." she snapped, running out of the portrait hole. We walked up to the edge of the Forest, taking of the cloak because no one would be able to see us.

We walked along the path that led to Grawp, Hagrid's half-brother. "He's not here!" Hermione exclaimed, being considerably quiet because of the sleeping giant. "Hermione, we can check over there, the footprints lead that way still-" I started to say but was cut off by Hermione, "No, Harry! That's the centaurs's area, they'll shoot us for doing that!"

"But they don't shoot 'young'! Maybe if we just explain to them we're trying to find a friend, they'll leave us alone?" Ron offered. Hermione stared at him for a second before cautiously trudging along. "If I die, it's your fault, Ronald," she muttered. He put his hands up in surrender, but didn't say anything.

"Halt!" yelled a voice suddenly. We all stopped dead in our tracks, looking up to see a centaur. "What are children doing in the Forest this late at night? Hagrid doesn't take children in this area, he makes sure they don't see his... friend," he observed.

"We're looking for our friend, his footprints led this way, so-" I started to say but was cut off by the centaur.

"Perseus? Yes, the young man's with us. He's discussing information about our cousin," Hermione frowned until realization struck her face.

"Chiron? The trainer of heroes?" she asked.

"Yes, he is the only proper centaur in America, though he is in the Party Ponies," he snapped. "But friends of young Perseus will be welcomed with him, come with me, children, to see your friend."

Ok! So I saw your comments, and I've updated this quickly I also had no idea how to continue the book. I'll update REALLY REALLY SOON! PROMISE! Tell me what you think!

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