A Nasty Nightmare

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Harry's PoV

It was almost Christmas break, and I had come back from the last D.A. meeting. Cho had kissed me. Cho had kissed me. I came back to the common room and talked to Ron and Hermione, when suddenly, I remembered someone.

"Where's Percy?" I asked.

"A meeting with Dumbledore," Hermione said hesitantly.

"Oh," I said.

"Well, 'night," said Hermione, yawning widely.

Ron demanded things about what Hermione saw in Viktor Krum, who she had been writing a letter to, as we climbed up the boys' stairs.

"'Night," grunted Ron, somewhere to my right.

"'Night," I said.

I drifted off into sleep. My dream happened. A nightmare.

It was like I was a snake, and I was in the Ministry. There was a man down the corridor, and I wanted to bite the man. He was stirring. He had seen me. I had no choice. I reared high from the floor and struck once, twice, three times, plunging my fangs deeply into the man's flesh.

The man was yelling in pain, then he fell silent. He slumped backward against the wall. Blood was splattering onto the floor.

My head hurt terribly. It was aching to burst.

"Harry! HARRY!"

I opened my eyes. Every inch of my body was covered in sweat; my bedcovers were twisted all around my like a straitjacket; I felt as though a white-hot poker was applied to my forehead.


Ron was standing over me looking extremely frightened. I clutched my head in my hands; the pain was blinding me. I rolled right over and vomited over the edge of the mattress.

"He's really ill," said a scared voice. "Should we call someone?"

"Harry! Harry!"

I had to tell Ron, it was very important to tell him.

"Your dad," I panted. "Your dad's... been attacked..."


"Your dad!"

"I'm going for help," interrupted the same scared voice, and I heard footsteps running out of the dormitory.

"Harry," said Ron uncertainly, "you were just dreaming."

"No!" I said furiously. "It wasn't a dream, not an ordinary dream."

The pain in my forehead was subsiding slightly, though I was still sweating and shivering.

"Harry, you're not well," he said shakily. "Neville's gone for help..."

"I'm fine! There nothing wrong with me, it's your dad you've got to sorry about-" I was cut off when there were hurried footsteps coming up the stairs, and I heard Neville's voice again.

"Over here, Professor..."

"What is it, Potter? Where does it hurt?"

"It's Ron's dad," I said. "He's been attacked by a snake and it's serious, I saw it happen."

"What do you mean, you say it happen?" said Professor McGonagall.

"It was real, I didn't imagine it, Mr. Weasley was asleep on the floor and he was attacked by a gigantic snake, there was a load of blood, he collapsed, someone's got to find out where he is."

She was gazing at me through her lopsided spectacles as though horrified at what she was seeing.

"I'm not lying, and I'm not mad!" I told her. "I tell you, I saw it happen!"

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