The Seven Day Project

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*Mikey's POV*

Mama Ross and I got back to the hospital in under an hour. She only brought Chris's high school photo album since those are the years she doesn't remember.

The ride back was filled with Mama Ross awkwardly shuffling through the pages of the book while muttering "I can't believe this is happening" under her breath.

We walked back to the hospital room in silence, and I couldn't help but notice how all the nurses are dressed exactly alike, as Gerard had pointed out a few days ago.

The curtain is completely drawn back to the sides, giving Chris, and anybody in the room, a clear view of everything in the hospital room. Mama Ross is sitting on Chris's bed with her. I'm sitting on Chris's left side, looking at the photo album that lay open on their laps. Ray's sitting on Chris's right side, and Gerard and Frank are at the foot of the bed.

My re-introduction to Chris was awkward to say the least. She made eye contact with me only once, and she blushed after she looked away. I probably blushed too, but I wasn't really paying attention.

"This is your first day of freshman year." Mama Ross said, flipping to the first page of the book, drawing my attention. Chris studied the picture but said nothing.

The picture was Chris awkwardly standing on her front porch by herself with school supplies in her hand. She looked so different, with her brown hair barely reaching her shoulders and her awkward braces.

"And this is you with Ray and Frank, the first time they came over for dinner."

Chris looked up at Ray and Frank, then back to the picture, then back to them. She nodded, but still didn't speak.

This picture looked like Chris was in the middle of yelling at her mom, and Ray and Frank weren't even looking at the camera.

"This is your 15th birthday."

Chris looked at the picture silently.

"This is you at freshman year homecoming."

I forgot about that, actually. None of us had a date, so we all just went as friends. Gerard and Bob weren't in the picture, since Gerard is three years older and we didn't meet bob until junior year.

"Who was my date?" Chris asked, speaking for the first time. She looked up at each of us.

"None of us had a date. We just went as a group of friends." Frank answered. Chris nodded.

"Guys remember during freshman year when everybody was at my house and we watched Nightmare on Elm Street and Chris got so scared that she almost cried?" Frank asked with a huge smile plastered on his face.

Amongst our chorus of yesses and that was greats Christina muttered "no", making us all laugh.

"This is your first day of sophomore year." Mama Ross continued. The picture was Chris standing on my front porch with me. Frank and Ray weren't there that day. When Chris, Frank and I were sophomores, Ray was a senior. Gerard was in his first year of college at NYU.

"Isn't that Gee's shirt?" Frank asked. I looked at Chris's shirt, and sure enough, it was Gerard's Batman shirt. Chris laughed for the first time today.

"Do I steal your clothes a lot?" She asked. Frank reached behind him and grabbed Ray's Nirvana shirt off of the nightstand and held it up, making no attempt to cover the blood stain.

"You were wearing this shirt. It's actually Rays." He said. Chris smiled.

"So that's a yes?" She asked. And Frank told her yes.

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