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You might have heard about personality types and different 'types' of behaviors or temperaments. You might have also heard of the terms 'introverts' and 'extroverts'. 

For those of you who haven't, a personality type identifies the different sets of characteristics of each persons's behavior and temperament based on psychological theories that have pointed out the different categories and types of people in the world. 

One well-known psychological theory about one's personality type was that of the famous psychologist of the previous century, Carl Jung. 

He was a student of Sigmund Freud but as the years passed and Carl's knowledge deepened, he started having doubts about Sigmund Freud's theories and he later departed from him mostly out of his disagreement about Sigmund Freud's theory of an 'oedipus complex and infantile sexuality' (I don't blame him for doubting Freud on that, most psychologists have stated that Freud's suggestions were doubtful and false) and begun his own psychology 'quest'. 

During this quest for knowledge he developed a theory about people's personality types which Katharine and Isabelle Briggs Myers later continued and formed what we now call the MBTI type indicator.

The MBTI  indicator is a powerful tool for the identification of one's personality type, which is based on specific questions that serve to determine one's temperament, preferences and behavior patterns. The indicator categorizes people in the world in two major categories. Introverts and extroverts. There are a total of 16 personality types according to the indicator. Eight of them are the introverted types and the other eight are the extroverted ones. 

Introverts are those who tend to value and practice introspection and gain energy from solitude and solitary activities. On the other hand, they tend to lose their energy quickly once they're exposed in loud and crowded environments or are involved in activities that require a lot of social interraction and include a lot of stimuli (loud sounds, crowded places, strong smells, etc..). Introverts tend to have vivid imaginations mainly because they spend a lot of their creative time in their minds, thinking, discovering and creating ideas which they later 'mold' into various things, hence why most introverts also tend to be very artistic and idealistic. 

Extroverts are those who value social interractions and take their energy from exterior stimuli and the constant company of people. They spend a lot of their time in social gatherings and cannot stand being alone for more than a while. They tend to enjoy big social gatherings, parties, loud places, crowds and enjoy physical activities and team sports. They are usually more concerned about their social and physical environment in contrast with the introverts who are mostly concerned with their inner environment.  

Introversion and extroversion are two seperate temperaments. Lots of people can be either introverted or extroverted. But there are also those who can be 'ambiverts' which means that they can comprise traits of both temperaments and thus cannot be sure which one defines them the most. 

Due to the fact that our general culture and society tends to favor and promote extroverts more than introverts, introverts tend to stay in the shadows, often unnoticed for their skills and talents and even discriminated for their usually quiet, discrete and reserved natures. Lots of people, even parents, tend to think that introverts are just too 'shy' or even 'sick' for being the way they are, when in reality they're simply different and introverted, something that up until recently people didn't even know. If you want to know whether you're an introvert or an extrovert, all you have to do is take a couple online tests such as these :

Or you can ask yourself some very simple questions that will help you discover your true temperament. So check out these questions, take your time to think about them and answer them in your own mind. This is about you. 

1) Do you enjoy spending time alone? If so, do you enjoy doing it often and for long periods?

2) Do you enjoy the company of a big circle of buddies or a few close friends? 

3) Do you like parties and other social gatherings?

4) Are you very expressive with your emotions, words and body language?

5) Do you get nervous in front of people? 

6) Do you tend to overthink and analyze things in your head?

7) Are you very social? 

8) Do loud noises, crowded places, strong smells and too much physical contact with people annoy you?

9) Do you prefer written to verbal communication?

Make sure to find out your true temperament because it is crucial for you to discover your personality type. Take the suggested online tests or check the listed questions and once you have found out your true temperament, stay tuned for the book's updates in which I will include full information and directions on the MBTI personality indicator and then on the second indicator, the Enneagram. Discovering yourself will not only grant you valuable information but it will also break the cycle of self-doubt and insecurities you might be having about your nature. You no longer need to feel like a 'freak'. You're as natural and healthy as everyone around you. Every person is different and that is exactly what makes this world beautiful. So keep your eyes open because as long as you live, you will keep learning.


Skyywalls ♥♥

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