Personality types and the MBTI indicator.

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Before reading this, make sure that you've already determined whether you're an introvert, an extrovert or an ambivert. It is vital for the discovery of your personality type since you need to know which category and temperament defines you the most. 

So, in the first part I gave you a brief reference to the psychology of the personality and I also mentioned the two main personality indicators, the MBTI and the Enneagram. There are of course other type indicators but they are of less significance and accuracy so I won't bother with them. I will mostly write about these two becaused based on my research and personal experience they are the most complete personality indicators. 

Having said this, we can now move on to the discovery of your exact personality type. How do we do this? This book is a mini guide for those who are newbies on the whole personality type phenomenon. It is a short guide and it will include instructions and information on the personality type indicators and tests. This specific part is about the MBTI indicator. 

Before we talk about the MBTI indicator, I want to note something important.

People are not objects or machines...which means that no matter how accurate an indicator might be, no test and no online indicator will ever be able to define and describe you completely or with a hundred percent accuracy. I say this because I don't want you to get overly excited about online personality tests and then get disappointed once you see that there are many things in your character that cannot really be...'explained'. You may find your personality type and it might define and explain the vast majority of your character but there will ALWAYS be things that no one and nothing will  be able to explain or define. 

Human beings are extremely complex and deep. Our nature is designed in the most intelligent and complicated way possible, this is why each one of us is so different and unique. And this is why, no matter how much we might 'fit' into a social cycle or group, we can never really fit completely...because we're all vastly different even when we're similar. Even identical twins have lots of differences, despite the huge amount of identical or similar things on them. 

So take caution and don't let your enthusiasm blind your judgment.

Online tests might be very useful and helpful but there will be times when you will often get 'mistyped' and that is because online tests tend to be a bit mechanical and robotic in their questions and therefore will often mistype and mistaken someone's personality, simply based on specific answers...which is why I will give you certain instructions on how to properly discover your type without having to rely only in web indicators. The online tests are just the beginning. The most important steps will come after the tests.

Moving on...

In order for you to discover your personality type you need to complete some online type indicators. I recommend that you take more than a couple online MBTI tests because each website includes a few different things in their questions and one website might be more accurate in its results than the other. But regardless of that, you need to write down each result that you got and I will explain what you need to do with them in the next chapter.

The following are links to a few known and tried online personality type tests. Follow the instructions, complete the tests in each website and then note down your results on a paper. Each test will give you a result that includes a 4 letter word which is your personality type according to the MBTI indicator.

Read the result descriptions and analysis carefully so you can identify how much it describes you and then read the detailed instructions I will give you on how to make sure to find your true type. 


Skyywalls ♥♥

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