Chapter 6

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Finally the day of sweet 16 party has arrived, damn how i hate being poked and prodded like a science experiment, OK i am probably over reacting but makeup and hair always seems like rocket science to me, Mandy is busy with what seems like a suit case full of make up and her friend is busy spraying a whole bottle of hairspray into my normally straight hair 

"OMW! Hunny you look amazing, Greg her hair looks like something out of a fairy tale " Bailey runs in looking a little teary eyed as if i am her daughter on her wedding day 

"Thanks psycho but how much longer is this going to take ?" I asked "we just about done love don't fret so much, a girl only gets a couple of days in her life when she can be a princess you must enjoy this" Mandy says with a smile 

At last they put all the brushes down and hand me a mirror Mandy wasn't kidding when she said i looked like a princess, i don't think i have ever looked so beautiful in my life

I quickly put on my dress and head to our parents room to see Harper dressed in her stunning burgundy and black dress with velvet and lace she looks like a Gothic vampire which suits her so amazingly 

"WOW are those our girls Regina" my dad asks from behind us giving me a hug "girls you look so stunning I cant believe you are 16 already and you have become such stunning young woman" Regina says through tears 

"NO Chick Flick Moments!" Dad shouts as he winks at me knowing i would know the reference

" Hey cars here take the pics or whatever and get a move on the birthday girls cant be late for their own party!" Bailey shouts from downstairs 

When we get to the party venue I feel like a fish out of water all the attention is on us and i can hear only compliments and some jealousy in the thoughts of our guests until my eyes meet the person i have been looking for the whole night, Eli sees me and smiles and at that moment i feel like the whole world has gone quiet, but i must look like a real idiot so i turn away and try to duck away hoping he didn't really see me until i feel a hand on my shoulder saying "hey you Happy Birthday you look amazing tonight " i blush bright red and whisper "Thanks" 

Suddenly over powering images floods my mind of Eli in a car trying to stop but he cant, he is going to crash but the brakes don't work, he screams as he hits a road side barrier and flies through the window and then everything goes black...

I hear people screaming but they have it wrong its Eli that needs help not me why are they calling my name, I wake up with a cold hand touching my face its Harper, I start to notice other faces coming into focus one of them being Eli, I jump up and hug him tightly 

" Jinx Sweety are you OK ?" he asks as I let go of him "yes I am fine why you asking me i didn't crash my car are you OK ?" I check his face for cuts 

"Jinxy we Still at the party you fainted what the hell are you talking about?" he looks at me confused 

I run for the door I need to get out of there i just had to be alone with my thoughts that is when I "hear" a voice in my head saying see what could happen if you try to take whats mine...   

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2017 ⏰

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