Chapter 20

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"Dean?" Dr. Collins asks for some assistance, the last point that will determine the winner of the debate on the line. I can hardly breathe waiting for his verdict. I know that these things are unimportant and that I shouldn't pay attention to winning but who am I kidding? I love it when my kids win!

"I have to admit that the sociology majors have carried themselves graciously and have presented valid arguments," he pauses for a few seconds as if he is debating with himself on where to lean, as if he is reconsidering and my heart misses a few beats, "arguments that were thoroughly explained and researched," he halts once more gifting the sociology team an appreciative smile.

"However," he resumes in a louder tone after a few seconds of silence, "the passion and the determination of the psychology majors, not to mention the excellent planning and presenting their arguments, leave me no choice but to grant the last and definitive point to them," he says and the auditorium explodes in cheering and applauding. There are students whistling and I realize that my smile is achingly wide. I'm ecstatic! I applaud my students passionately and rush to hug and kiss them. We made it! My eye catches Harry in the audience. His hair is in a bun and his dimples parade triumphantly on his cheeks as he smiles and winks at me! I pretend to be unaffected and dash to my goal. I hug, kiss and praise my debate team for delivering such a great job and move to Rebecca who has proven to be such an asset as the captain of the team. I kiss and hug her, too and pat her back so overwhelmed with joy. We kicked some serious ass. I know the Dean is impressed by them and in extension by the work they did under my guidance and supervision. Harry contributed greatly into presenting arguments, sources and practicing with everyone. You would never have guessed that he was this privileged young man by the effort he put into his work. Regardless of his hard work though and all the studying he refused to be part of the draw we had to choose the five members of our team. He felt that others would think he was favoured and he said and I quote, "I don't want to taint our win because with a professor like Mrs. Cameron and students like us it's a sure thing." Cheeky little shit! He knows exactly what to say and when to say it.

After removing himself from the team but still participating actively to support it, I gained a new level of appreciation and pride for him but didn't let him know. I couldn't.

Having him in my class was both torture and pleasure. Seeing him bloom as a student, broaden his mind and his horizons like that was incredible. He was already extremely mature for his age having experienced the world like he had but it was also very tormenting watching him almost on a daily basis being so sexy and involved, feeling so confident in his skin.

"So, I officially pronounce the psychology team the winners of the debate," the Dean startles me by saying and I just hope I haven't embarrassed myself. A new round of applause and cheers erupt in the huge room that hosted the debate and my students urge me to stand at the front but I'm too shy to do that. Elizabeth and Monet appear by me out of nowhere and push me to the front feeling uncomfortable and blushing furiously when I realize that the applause and the cheering is for me.

"Awww thank you so much," I say trying to hold back tears I never knew were hiding behind my eyes and move to shake hands and congratulate the Sociology students telling them what a great job they did and what worthy opponents they've been. I ask Peters, their professor to come forth and everyone applaud him as well. What a lovely day to be a professor!

Everyone is slowly making their way to the exit as I gather my things to tidy in my briefcase.

"So Ashley," I hear Dr. Peters's voice very near me and I am momentarily surprised.

"Simon," I acknowledge his presence.

"Congratulations once again. You won fair and square," he says flirtatiously.

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