May Twenty Third Nineteen Thirty Nine

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Dear Lukas,

I heard the most delightful song that reminded me of you. Ella Fitzgerald wrote it. Bless her soul, that beautiful woman.

It went sort of like this:

Im flying high. And I got a feeling I'm falling. Falling for no body else but you.

Sounds like our courtship, huh. Such sweet music.

I still miss you greatly. Only two more month at that outpost, right? I can't wait to see you!

My pen is starting to run out of ink. Ink, amount other things, is of high demand. I might switch to pencil soon but I can't bear to be away from this beautiful pen you gave me. I've been using it ever since you left, and it's been refilled twice! I don't think I can refill it again.

You're probably sick of hearing of Berwald but he's really being quite forward to me. He asked just the other day if I'd like to go out for dinner. I politely responded that there was no one there to watch his children. Penny's mother is British, I got to meet her once before the war, a lovely woman named Alice. I have no idea about Erik though.... His children had such a fun time playing with Hana. They are so cute. They played for almost an hour then fell asleep on the carpet while Berwald and I had coffee.

Best regards,

Dear Lukas (NorFin)Where stories live. Discover now