xii. making your character unique

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Hey guys! It's Grace here, and hopefully in this chapter I'm going to share some tips on how to make your original character one-of-a-kind.


I see a lot of OCs written to be the "rebel" of the story. They're always very sarcastic or cynical, have traumatic pasts (okay, I'm guilty of this too), or have a general hatred of humanity. Yes, there are people in the world like this, but it's important to remember that people are all very complex beings and have multiple layers to themselves.

No matter how you choose to write your character's personality, make sure you really dig deep into their heads and ask yourself what their motives are.


Writers tend to create what they know. I'm also guilty of this. For example, authors will often write characters to be their same ethnicity or religion or gender (in the star wars universe, this could also mean species). While there is certainly nothing wrong with that, it is good to write about things you are less familiar with. Think about it like this: if you only read one book over and over again, you would never grow as a writer because you would never be exposed to anything new.


The trickiest thing about writing is mastering the art of character development. This can only be achieved through trial and error. It helps to plan out the course of your character's development and decide how you want them to start out, and how you want them to end up. The stuff in between is meant to push the story along and get you from point A to point B.

I hope this helped! If there's anything you think I missed, please leave a comment. Also, if you'd like me to write a chapter on how to capture canon characters' personalities, let me know! Thank you for reading!

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