Coffee Shop

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~Fuenciado~ (with a hint of Perrentes)

"Come on, this place is supposed to be good," Tony said, holding the door open for me.

"Alright," I said, with a smile and walked inside.

The inside was cozy, with dark, oak tables and comfy looking chair. The front counter was the same dark oak, but it had Christmas lights all around the signs. There was even a bookshelf in the corner and bean bags.

"How did you find this place?" I asked Tony.

His cheeks turned a light pink, and he sheepishly avoided my gaze, "O-one of my tinder dates told me about it."

I chuckled and rubbed his shoulder. We walked to the front desk and a guy walked out just in time.

He had a hat on, a black shirt that didn't hide his sleeves of tattoos, and a Medusa piercing.

"Hello, I'm Mike, and what could I get you on this fine day," he asked, his eyes gazing at Tony.

"Oh, um, just some hot coffee would be nice," I said, not really knowing what to order.

"C-Can I have a.." Tomy stuttered out, looking up at the menu, "Midnight cup, please."

He nodded and wrote it down, "Go ahead and sit wherever you'd like, Vic will be out in a second with your drinks."

He disappeared into the kitchen and I looked over at Tony.

"Ohhhhhh, he was staring at you," I teased, sitting down at a table somewhat near a window.

"Sh-shut up, he was not," he stuttered.

"Sure," I said, chuckling.

We talked aimlessly for a few minutes until our waitress walked out of the kitchen.

Oh, she was stunning.

I lost my train of thought as I walked her walked towards us. She had a small frame, but nice hips, her skin was a light Coco. she had on black slacks that hugged her curves, and a black, fitting long sleeved shirt that revealed her small breasts. She had long straight, brown hair that rested on her shoulders. Her name tag read "Vic" as though she wrote it herself.

She didn't have much makeup on, but just a little bit. Wow, she was beautiful.

"Midnight?" She asked, her voiced slightly hushed.

I pointed at Tony, and she placed the cup down, and placed my cup in front of me.

"Anything else for you, boys?" He asked, holding the tray in front of her.

Tony shook his head.

"No thank you," I said, smiling widely.

She smiled back and walked away, her hips swaying hypnotically.

"Now who's staring," Tony said with a chuckle.

My cheeks burned, "Oh shush, I was not."

"You were gawking at her like a freshman boy staring at his first porno magazine," Tony said, laughing lightly.

My cheeks burned brighter,"Shut up. I was not."

We had a few more aimless talks about eventually, we were approached by Mike and Vic. Vic stood shyly behind Mike with her hands behind her.

"So.. um," Mike cleared his throat, "Vic and I agreed to.. or.. we would like to make an offer."

"An offer?" Tony repeated quietly.

They both nodded.

"What kind of offer?" I asked.

"You don't have to pay for your coffee if you guys would.. um.." Mike started.

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