One: Channing Tatum and Car Windows

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One: Channing Tatum and Car Windows

"Dylann! What the hell, I told you to not to go in the kitchen when Tyler or I aren't here!"

Well I guess Sean's home then. Honestly, I didn't mean to make the microwave explode, I was hungry and I just wanted some Easy Mac, can you really blame me? Besides how was I supposed to know that metal bowls aren't meant for microwaves.

I probably should have checked first though, I was going to but then the temptation to eat was too much so I skipped that part.

It wasn't even all my fault. Melanie, my best friend, decided that popcorn wasn't good enough for her to eat while she and I watched Channing Tatum on my tv. So Melanie, being Melanie, practically forced me, now that I think about it, she did force me, no ifs or buts about it, into the kitchen to make her food.

Now I'm not exactly known for my awesome cooking skills, pretty much the opposite actually and even though Melanie knew that, she really didn't care, as long as she got her food, and she is one scary chick when she wants to be.

It's funny how her looks are so different from her personality. With her slender and tall frame, you'd never guess that she is super crazy. I mean it in as good a way as possible, she is my best friend after all. The one thing that does match her though is her long, curly red hair, I swear it gets even redder when she's mad.

Anyway, as I had been waiting in the kitchen of my house for the microwave to go off, leaning against the bench, a super loud bang echoed throughout the house. Not two seconds later Melanie had sprinted into the room screaming at the top of her lungs like she was being murdered or something. I was pretty sure the people in England would have heard her she was that loud.

I think one of my neighbours might have thought that was actually the case, and that it wasn't just an exploded microwave and so half a minute later, police sirens were sounding in the distance. Here's the thing though, this wasn't exactly the first time something like this has happened to me, in fact I think this was number 13 or so, not that I was keeping track.

I honestly don't know why the police keep coming anyway, every time so far it has been a false alarm. However about four hours later Melanie and I had yet again bribed the police officers with donuts so they wouldn't arrest us for wasting police resources. I even had to pay extra because one pudgy officer couldn't decide with flavour icing he wanted and I had to buy both.

Melanie had left about half an hour ago, claiming that if she didn't have something to eat she was going to collapse. With the amount she ate, it was a wonder she isn't obese. The problem now was she had left me to deal with my brothers on my own.

I was especially worried about what Sean would to, his kitchen was his haven. I guess its understandable why he doesn't want me in there... Most of the time I'm not complaining though, Sean was a seriously amazing cook, he'd always dreamed of opening his own restaurant and Tyler and I completely supported his idea.

Sean was now standing right in front of me, a hand running through his messy, dirty blonde hair in frustration. I don't think I have ever seen his face this red, okay that's a lie, there was this one time I thought he was literally going to kill me when I decided I wanted to experiment with the deep fryer. Or that other time when I bet Melanie twenty bucks that I could make several pickles turn to a liquid using the frying pan and some random spoon thing I found in some draw. I learned a lot about kitchen utensils that day.

"Dylann, did you hear me? Remember I told you not to go in the kitchen by yourself. You could have died." Sean yelled, his voice softening somewhat by the end.

"Yes Sean, because I totally could have gotten myself killed making Easy Mac, I'm not that kitchenally challenged, right?" I told him, putting extra emphasis on the totally. Is kitchenally even a word?

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