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White boys I'm not sure how I feel about them anymore. Like I'm just done with them and people in general.

First I lose one of my best friends to them (my ex) last year so now we don't talk that much anymore and and just 2 week ago one tried to run over my two 7-8 year old little brothers who were trying to cross the street with one of their neighborhood friends.

I didn't get to see the drivers face but I could hear him just laughing, he was definitely a teenager and he had other teenagers with him. After that I told myself that I officially No longer like white guys. I'm a black, New York City girl whose still not used to the country like state Ohio and I should stay with my own kind. Now remind you that I said white guys, I still like white people and half of my people in my neighborhood who've I been acquainted with are white so don't go thinking I'm racist. Anyhow today's my first day at a new high school since my family and I just moved to Ohio about month ago and I'm so excited, I feel like I'm gonna faint.

Why?, because I'm turning 15 years old in less than a about a week (10 days), I finally lost enough weight, my hair grew out and I permanently got rid of all my acne so I'm hoping to get really good looks from guys these years and before you ask it's not like I got bad looks last year at my old school but I'm hoping that some attractive friendly guy will look my way and find me attractive, not to mention I'm getting closer to my driving permit and license.

The thing that's not exciting is the whole Mate thing. I know your probably thinking "why not, don't you wanna find your true love." (Does the whole batting eyes thing with high girly voice thinking about happy things like butterfly's and rainbows)

Well maybe but not Now, mainly because I really just wanna get good grades, keep them up and hang out with my friends once in a while. I didn't really have time to hang out with my friends all during Middle or Elementary school so I'm hoping to do that now plus If I got a Mate now, I wouldn't be able to check out guys and vice versa so it's better if I don't have one.

And just to let you guys know, no I'm not a werewolf nor am I a vampire. I'm simply just a gifted human. I have different types of abilities like telekinesis and telepathy and etc. I only know some things about Mates because... and I know when I first tell you this your gonna think I'm crazy. I have this... voice in my head who knows a lot about the whole supernatural stuff, her names Melanie and she's like my best friend. The first time I found out she was there was on my 13th birthday, which is also when my abilities started kicking in. Its a normal for these things to happen to me and lets just say I'm glad they came now, because I'd probably be lost if she wouldn't help guide me through some things.

Anyway I have school in about 3 hours so I'm gonna go get some sleep so that I won't end up sleeping in class... which would really make a bad impression on me since its my first day.

As I get up off the bed to turn off my room light it felt as though I could feel someone's gaze through my room window blind. Looking through the slightly open blind, no one appeared to be there, with a small sigh of relief, I finally turned off my room light and climbed on the bed fully exhausted.


Unkown Pov~

As soon as she began making her way towards the window, I hopped back in my car and drove off.

I couldn't let her see me. Not now anyway. I watch her a bit constantly ever since two weeks ago, like when she helps around the house, goes shopping, goes out to eat, whenever I'm not busy fulfilling my Alpha duties.

I hate feeling like I'm stalking her, especially when knowing she's my Mate and I can have right now but... and before you ask yes I do hate to admit it but I'm scared of meeting her face to face.

Not in a shy/timid type of way, I'm afraid that she'll take one look at me and instantly see right through me... all the malicious and cruel things I've done. The unkind words and hatred... anyhow tomorrow's her first day of High School and since she's also a senior, I already scheduled her to be in most of my classes except for French 2, since she's taking Honors Spanish 2.

The thing I feel unsure about is how she claims to not fancy white guys. I mean in a way, I'm okay with that because be aware that I'm not the type of guy whose interested in the opposite race but when it comes to her she's my only exception. My family and most of my friends behave the same way which will most defiantly make a big conflict out of things. In a another way I hate or more like loathe it greatly because now winning her over is going to be a whole lot harder.

Finally done with my hot shower, I dry myself off, slip a pair of boxers on and lay back in bed. Thinking about my Lovely Mate, Iris.

Her straight long black hair, her sexy tight waist that'll fit so easily in my large hands, her short 5'2 frame, her cute button sized nose and big brown eyes. Her Double D-cup sized breast and round butt are a bonus.

"Just wait you, my Lovely Iris. As soon as you make your way into first period... Your all Mine" I muttered quietly to myself with a cocky smirk, falling under a sleepy trace.

(A/N: I'll admit that there are parts of this story is based on real life experiences or encounters but please read and enjoy. Also comment (good or bad) I'd like to know what my readers are thinking about my stories, like if I need to improve or whatever and I no my writing and editing skills need to be.... more up to date but I'm working on it and I really hope you guys enjoy this story cause I worked hard on it... anyhow plz comment, vote, read and enjoy ;3 thank u n byez)

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