Life Stinks

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I can not believe my parents signed the damn contract.

I mean yes, they get to visit me on Sundays but still they sole me out for cash. It's not like were poor or anything if anything were a average middle class but to serious sell your own daughter out... ouch!

Well the plus side from this is that both me and Seth now share and linked bank account and let me just be the first to say it has a lot of zero's in it (Cha-ching!) and my family gets like $15,000 per month.

The down side is my parents care about they're financial status more then their own daughter and even worse.... I'm stuck living with a racist white guy and his family.

Anyhow I'm at school, it's lunch and I'd really rather eat and enjoy sometime with my new friends then think about how much shit is going on right now.

As I take a small nibble of my warm packaged Pillsbury's mini pancake, Rowan goes on with her little Private school flash back on how she was popular and bitchy to everyone and how the guy she likes, happens to like her a bit older cousin who now goes to that private school and basically replaced her.

"So yeah, they basically only invited me to that party because Sarah (her cousin) wasn't going" She exclaimed with that -_- or are you serious ? (note the sarcasm) facial expression.

I could compare to what she's feeling since in New York City, I went to a private school and I was real popular and etc,.

"I totally understand what your talking about, I dated this guy named Clayton once and as soon as our relationship was over we went after my best friend and I warned her not trust him because he's only interested in a girls butt and boobs and she basically ignored me and said that I was jealous or whatever. Like really what happened to Bros before Hoes. So anyway, I was like b*tch be that way because when your ass gets hurt because a guy you thought liked you but only liked you for the wrong reasons don't come crying or saying "I hate that guy, I wish I never would've dated him" to me because all I'm gonna say is I told you so and walk straight away.... That is one of the reasons why I officially will not date white guys and don't want to start anymore relationship." I justified

In a way it made me feel better because I got to remember one of the reasons why, I can never like or fall in love with Seth or any other white males and also because I can almost call Rowan my new best friend seeing as though some of her life complications match mine... minus the whole family contract and going through Mate racial problems but whatever.

All of a sudden the whole cafeteria got dead quiet, and seemed to have their whole gaze on me, confused I turn around a nearly jump out of my seat when I see dun- dun- dun the Original Barbie standing right behind me.

Confused but some what feeling opposed, I give her a sarcastic look and say "Can I help you?"

"No, but I can help you here's my Daddy's credit card go use it and buy yourself a new wardrobe... and you should probably go see a plastic surgeon while your at. Then at least people could know you at least tried to put yourself together this morning!" She spat at me causing some people to laugh and snicker

It's alright Iris don't let the Barbie get to you. I inwardly kept telling myself

"Oh no your too kind, why don't you keep it for yourself. I'm pretty sure getting implanted breast will be more effective then stuffing table napkins up your bra. At least people will know you made an effort to not look transgender" I spat back with just as much sarcasm. (A/N: No offense to people who are transgender. Sorry).

In result getting a cafeteria full of gasps and laughter.

"Oh yeah, well at my families rich and didn't come from no shoe box in New York City"

"Wow good one pulling the I got money card, oh well you know what they say Brains over Bronze." I mimick giving a small shrug

"Your just jealous that I have everything you could want. I mean I'm white, have a sexy body, my families rich, and not to mention I have Seth as MY Mate whereas you are just a Ugly. Black. N*gger"

That is it now I'm about to kill this bi*ch.

"You know what!, you may be white but your trashy, you may be rich financially but at least I'm rich academically. And by the way having your body be a stick is definitely not Sexy, I mean have you look in the mirror because the last time I checked this is the 20th century and guys like girls with at least some chest and curves... but then again I forgot those things doesn't run in your gene pool and lastly I don't care if you have Seth as a Mate... in fact I'm glad you have him as a Mate! I mean if your a Barbie then he's your Ken. Your both two fake plastic Barbie dolls and what I am an actual human being to say that you guys are not more then happily meant for each other." I stated causing most of the cafeteria to applaud.

You'd think after I smacked talk her she'd learn some respect and head back to her seat but No!, she had the audacity to try a physically harm me.

After she failed to shove me in the table, I simply punched her in the nose, tripped her and then poured three cartons of chocolate milk onto her.

Smiling proudly at the lovely sight of revenge. I grabbed another milk carton and dropped it into her hair, "Remember earlier you said to me how I wished I was like you... as in white. Well I am so glad you decided to add a little color to yourself at least people can't say you have albinism" (A/N : Again I apologize for those of the following n Btw Albinism is like when a person has like little to no skin pigment and there eyes can in some cases actually be the color red just for those of you who didn't know)

Just as I'm about to head back to my table a large familiar pair of arms grab me and carry me out of the cafeteria and into the same secret room I was dragged to like yesterday.

Oh Great now I have Ken to deal with! (Note the sarcasm)

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