High School... Dangerous Place

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The schools a lot bigger then I thought I'd it be, it has like 5 other huge buildings.
Anyhow, I made my first two friends just walking in the building ones named Rowan and the other Caitlin. Rowan has long wavy dirty blond hair, green eyes, and is like 5'6, while Caitlin is a red head, also has green eyes and is 5'5.

They were both friendly and really helped guide me and told me the people that are okay to hang out with and who to avoid.

Seeing as I had 8 minutes before it was time for my first class. I quickly made my way towards my locker and got all my stuff ready for first period Calculus (which is Math my favorite subject). I quickly found a seat and waited for the other third of class to walk in. During my introduction a really tall attractive white guy who would defiantly be labeled as high school Bad Boy walked through the doors all fashionably late, smirked at me and then took his seat.

The way he looked at me made my heart race not to mention his seat was right behind mine. Damn it!

"Ms. McKellen would you care to continue" The teacher urged me taking me out of my thoughts

I hadn't realized till the teacher called me out that I was staring at the Bad Boy this whole time. Mentally scowling and shaking away the feeling to blush I continued with my introduction.

"My names Iris McKellen, I'm 15 years old (Basically I am), I'm from New York City, I just moved here about a month ago and I'm hoping that with a new school, a fresh start so I hope I'll become friends with a lot of you " I finished smiling at this really hot Puerto Rican boy sitting in the back of the room who oh just happen to smile back.

I nearly yelped when I hear a mysterious but heart racing growl from somewhere in the room. Mentally shaking it off again I sat down at my seat as the class applaud.

I could feel the Bad Boys gaze on me and it was literally going to drive me insane. Only thanks to God was I capable to finish my class work. As soon as the bell ringed and class was over, I was the first one out the door.

After making a quick stop to my locker, I headed straight to second period, Honors English 12.

Again during my introduction the Bad Boy showed up and took the seat behind the one, I had yet to proclaim.

As soon as I was seated, a really thin Barbie walked in the classroom. She didn't look like the Original Barbie or as I call them Queen Bee she looked more like one of The Barbie's minions or Hive workers.

Making a foul dirty look she and walked right up to my desk and said more like spat.

"This is MY SEAT!, I'm pretty sure yours is like somewhere in elementary school"

Yes, I could of went off on her but since today's my first day and I'm really not the type of girl who gets sent to the office, rolling my eyes with an annoyed look I began grabbing my stuff ready to move when all of a sudden the Bad Boy behind me stands up and gives the minion Barbie a really stern look and sits back down. She begins to whimper and finds another seat.

It looked as though he was... warning her about something telepathically but I couldn't listen in to what they were saying it's like he blocked me from there conversation. He looked back at me and with his eyes gestured me to sit back down.

After doing so, the teacher sat off her desk and walked up to the board beginning class.

I couldn't focus that much though because I was still very much unaware of what just happened and it was starting to give me a migraine.

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