His Anger... My Affection

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Pissed. Pissed is no longer even a word in my dictionary.

I mean, Did that seriously just happened. I'm not sure whether to be mad at myself for not beating the crap out if that guy or my Mate for clinging onto another guy like that.

There's been too many other men touch her besides me and I'm about ready to kill somebody.

Anyhow, I'm sending her Ass home and as soon as we get there her Ass better be ready for a whole hell lot of smacking.

I'm so pissed right now that I think if I were to even look at her, I'd start nailing at her ....little ungrateful black bitch. Why couldn't she be easy like Hilliary or one of my usual Ho-.... is she whimpering?

I, immediately stop the car and look back to find her laying down in the back seat holding her face crying.

"Hey, what's the matter?" I ask her as calmly as I could. I'm still very pissed off.

She stays quiet for a bit and then swipes away the tears, fixed her posture and says "You can start driving now."

Now she's just asking to get yelled at. Still refraining myself to explode with rage, I reply back "I'm not driving till you tell me why you were crying".

"I wasn't crying.... my eyes were just-".

"Iris cut the bull crap and tell me what's wrong" I demand taking off my seatbelt now facing her.

She opened her mouth like she was gonna answer but then pushed open the car door and started running up the block.

Opening my car door, I sprinted after her.

"Iris get back here!" I yelled after her

"No!" she yelled back at me heading inside the store in the gas station. (Hope that makes sense.... 0.o)

As soon as I caught up to her, I grabbed her by the wrist trying to drag her back to the car but as resistant as she is she slipped out if my grasps and bumped into someone and caused them to both fall over.

Helping her up, I held back onto her wrist tougher this time and gave her a warning look.

"Let's go home" I confirm to her letting her know that this is the last warning she'll be getting.

She stops me and says "I know your mad at me and everything but I knocked that guy over. It would be rude for me to not  go help him up and apologize.

After a few seconds of thought, I let go her wrist and allow her to help the stranger.

She steps towards him but then all of  sudden just stops and runs back to me, grabs my hand and starts sprinting down the hill dragging me along.

"Iris slow down "

"Iris slow down!" I say more forcefully, now pulling her back.

"Seth what are you doing, we need to go" She stresses with tears streaming from her big light brown eyes.

"Not, until you tell me what's going on here and why the hell are we running from that guy?" I state backing her up against my car door.

Instead of answering she drew her lips closer to mine and softly whispered "We have to go now", before I could respond she joined her lips with mine and then sat down in her seat patiently.

Although the kiss was very small and quick for some reason I could still feel were her lips joins mine. It was a warm tingle like feeling definitely something I can get used to.

Making my way around the car back to the drivers seat. I step in and quickly drive us out of parking space and onto the rode.

I thought she'd be at least happy or revealed that we were only about 5 minutes from my penthouse now but she still had a look of pain and panic all over her face.

Stopping the car once more. I take off our seatbelts and sit her in onto my lap.

"Seth please let go of me and drive we need to get home." She stressed struggling to push me away.

"Would you just relax for a moment and explain to me what's going on?" I exclaimed pulling her tighter in my embrace.

She soon gave up fighting with me and wrapped her legs around my waist and planted kisses along my jawline.

I wanted to pull her away so we could talk but I found that getting harder and harder to try to do.

Grabbing her tightly by the waist. I tried to flip the cards on her but she pushed me back down firmly, pulled off my pants and my t shirt and began dry humping my member.

I could feel the arousal burning between both of our bodies. Ripping off her jacket and tank top. I sucked onto her neck about to leave my marking.

While my brains saying "Oh Fuck",... it's exactly what me and Iris's body are about to do.

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