Chapter 2: Jenna

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*Please Comment...Below and let me know how you like it. More Chapters will be coming tonight&tomorrow(:

Jenna's P.O.V.

I can't believe what Liam did! I'm so shocked to see the boys AGAIN! Liam out of all of them remembered my name. It was only one time i meet them (Becca introduced me) Which was at the amazing concert my best friend brought me to! I'm in LOVE with One Direction. Some girl only like only one of the members (as in how hot or cute). I think they are all hot. But they all have nice personality's, amazing singers (Like Angles). So many more things I could say but it would be way to long, like hundreds of things! Yeah I know, I'm crazy.

"So, what are you guys going to do today?" Becca asked, everyone looked at her

"Just going to hangout.' Harry said in his Stunning voice

"Your welcome to join!" Louis commented by looking over at Becca and back to me.

"Jenna, it's up to you. If you want to. I don't care." I could tell she wanted to hangout with them, really bad. So did I. Really I have no reason to say no. Plus it means more time with the Boys.

"Yeah, i want to. It should be fun." I made my self sound dumb, by being over excited.

"Great!" Liam flashed his white teeth at me. He seemed pretty pleased with my answer. I'm starting to feel like, I'm one of the luckiest people alive!

"Well it's 12:30, we should go grab something to eat." Zayn talked for the first time since they got there.

"Mhm, I'm really hungry!" Niall said practically jumping off the couch. Niall loves to eat.

"I think we should go to the food court in the mall. Because there's a lot of to choose from. We all might not want the same thing as each other." Becca made a good point.

"I guess, that's OK. I'm driving!" Louis jumped up. He's wearing braces. I love his style, its sexy. Everyone stood up. Liam grabbed my hand pulling me up. We all walked out to the car. Louis got in the drivers seat as Harry sat in the passenger seat. While Liam and I sat in the middle. Zayn, Becca and Niall sat in the back.

"So how was your tour?" Becca said trying to start a conversation

"Amazing" Niall answered back. Then everyone started talking about the tour, Soon everyone's voice faided away. As i stared out the car windows, watching everything as we went pass it.

"Are you OK?" Liam whispered in my ear. I turned to face him, to see that wonderful smile again.

"Yeah, I'm perfectly fin." I gave a little grin back and turned back to the window.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure." I said again with out turning around. I didn't want to see that smile of his right now. It gives me butterflies every time I do. I think i have a lot to figure out. One Direction is amazing. But I need to figure out my feelings for Liam. Ever since they got here, I think I'm falling for him. Almost every time he looks or talks to me, he smiles like I'm his life. I never thought I could make a person so smiley. 

"We're here!" Louis had an fun and exciting sound in his voice. Everyone hoped out of the car. Started walking to the mall. The Mall was empty, no one was really there. I followed along with every one. (I was behind everyone) I watched all the boys walk. They are so CUTE! Some girls came running up to us.

"Can you sine my shirt?" this one girl asked. 

"Sure, thing." Louis responded. As they where talking and saying hi to the nice young girls i pulled Becca to the side,

"Becca, I'll be back. I'm going to walk around, maybe find something to eat." I told her

"Alone? I'll go with you."

"No, I'm fine. I just want to be left alone right now. Text me when we're leaving." I looked at her. Giving her a little smile. turned and casually walked away. 

"OK!" she yelled back. I didn't look back. I just keep walking like i could not hear her anymore.

                                                      * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

mhm, I'm really hungry. I sat down on the bench. I stared down at my fingers and hands.

"Jenna" I tilted my head up to find Liam. With his shinny white teeth showing. I felt the butterflies AGAIN.

"Is everything OK?" he worried

"Yes, everything is fine!" I snaped at him

"I'm sorry." I replied faster than he could.

"It's OK, I've been worried about you a lot today. But you're Beautiful, Smart....You just looked upset. I wanna make sure your OK." he sounded like an angle talking

"Oh.." I don't know what to say.

"Do you wanna get something to eat?" awe. This can't be real! Liam Payne is asking me to get something to eat with him! Maybe I am one of the luckiest fan to be out there.

"Sure" i looked into his beautiful Brown eyes.

"Great!" Liam pulled be up on my feet. From there i didn't even know what food we got. We got in a line and started to order whatever. When I pulled my money out of my purse. He placed his hand on top of mine. Pushing my hand back to me.

"No, put it away. I'll pay." I gave Liam a confused look, as I placed the money back. Liam grabbed the tray of food, leading over to a table. We sat down. We ate in silence, it was kinda weird.

                                                               * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

Once we where done eating. We found our self back on the beach. 

"So Jenna, do you think we could hangout tomorrow? I have nothing planed. I'm sure the boys won't mind." he's so thoughtful

"I don't know." I answered back. But for real i didn't know! Liam moved closer to me (My face)

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