Chapter 11: Becca

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It's 1am, Harry is still here. This day just can't get any better! Oh, I'll go get me camera.

"Hey, I'm going to get my camera" I walked to the stairs. Harry followed me

"OK." He flashed his perfect white teeth.

"Just wait down here!" I ran up the stairs, got my camera and went back down. As i was walking down, I tripped. Harry heard me, turned back. Saw me at the bottom. He rushed towards me.

"Are you OK?" He asked "Be more creful!" I smiled, as he brought me up from the ground.

"I'll try!" He flashed another smile. I Looked deep into his beautiful grean eyes. He was just perfect, so prefect in every way possible. His curly brown hair, his beautiful smile.

"Did you find you camera?" He asked hesitantly. I sighed, held it up.

"Right here" He smiled once more.

"Great!" I turned my camera on and held it up.

"Say cheese!" Harry put his hands on his hips. Making a kissy face. I laughed and took the picture.

"Beautiful" We took a bunch of pictures after that. At one point Harry took my camera, grabbing my face. He kissed me and took a picture too! I was so shocked, not knowing what to do, until i found myself kissing back. When all of the sudden Niall walks through the front door shouting, "FOOD!" Harry and I started to laugh. Watching Niall run to the kitchen.

"WOW, someones hungry" Harry laughed. I started to laugh really hard.

"I've never seen him so hungrey." we started to walk up stairs. I walked in my room, logged on to twitter. All the comments started building up, One said

"Back off Harry he's mine!" And so on. Harry saw, he logged me off. Only to log himself on. He started to type 'I'm sorry you guys think those things, But she's beautiful!" I smiled, and came up behind him, giving him a big hug.

"Awe, Thanks!" He laughed

"You welcome" he turned and kissed me on the cheek. Then we got off the computer and went to bed. 


At 9:30, i woke up to find Harry not next to me! mhm, maybe he left? I thought. I walked down stairs to find Harry cooking Pancakes....

"Oh, Good Morning Beautiful" He walks towards me and hugs me. 

"Good morning" I say quietly, in my morning voice. Harry handed me a plate with a pancake and syrup. Of course with a fork. 

"Thank you!" I smiled, he nodded. Soon after i was done eating my food. I ran up to my room, checking my twitter. 

"Why is he even dating her, she's not even that pretty!" I almost started to cry. I went back down stairs. A couple tears were falling down the side of my face. Harry saw and hugged me

"What's wrong?" I tried to tell him.

"People hate me!" More tears came rolling down my face.

"They don't hate you! Their just jealous." He tried explaining to me. I brought him upstairs and howed him. 

"Look at the horrible comments!" I told him.

"Oh, wow, that's really mean. I never thought It'd be this bad. I'm sorry i'm putting you through all of this!" He hugged me tightly. We licked eyes.

"It's ok, i kinda expected it!" His lips lightly touched mine. We went down stairs to watch a movie.


At the end of the movie. I was half asleep.

"I should probably go now." Harry said. I nodded, walked him to the door.

"Bye!" I told him

"Bye" He said hugging me. Then gave me a kiss. 

"I love you" I smiled, when he told me it. 

"I love you too." Then he left. I stared at the door, only for it to open again. Harry ran through the doorway, hugging me.

"I love you too much to just leave you here!" I smiled

"Really?" He nodded.

"Yes" For awhile we stood there hugging



~Hey, i hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please tell me what you think. I'm sorry i did not update on this one in a while! But i will start to update this one more often(: Thanks for reading. *Comment, Become fan, Share my story, vote!?

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