I just can't

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Everyone in class 1A stood outside on a field, wearing the same matching sports uniform and also wondering what they were going to be doing.

"Okay, I'm going to be having an exercise to test all of you and the last place person gets expelled" Aizawa said holding up his phone.

"Expelled!" Everyone thought as everyone start mumbling amongst each other.

"I heard the last set of first years got expelled" Denki said.

"I heard Aizawa senpai expelled a total of 154 students" Ojiro said.

"Yeah and he did it swiftly" Shoji said.

"He's definitely on my don't fuck with list" Mina said.

"But Aizawa senpai, won't we miss orientation and the welcoming ceremony, it just doesn't seem fair if the others get it and getting expelled on our first day isn't really fair" Ochako said.

"Is life fair, hero's put their lives on the line and get injured or killed, now ask yourself if that is fair, if your here to make friends and play around you might as well leave now" Aizawa said as there was silence.

"Good, now let's start; Katsuki how far could you throw a ball when in junior highschool?" Aizawa asked.

"About 73.2 metres" Katsuki said.

"Good, now try that with your quirk" Aizawa said throwing Katsuki a ball that he caught.

"Okay" Katsuki said stretching out and getting ready.

"Die!!!" Katsuki exclaimed throwing the ball and using his explosions to extend the length of the ball from him.

"703.2m" Aizawa displayed on the screen of  his phone.

"Wow, that was far" Mineta said.

"Today, you'll be using your quirks on all your junior highschool sports and I'll be grading you by that" Aizawa said.

"I'm dead if I don't come up with a way of passing, I'm gonna expelled" Izuku said thinking.

"Okay, let's continue" Aizawa said.

Speed test.....

Tenya was first obviously and Tsuyu coming in next, Izuku was up next against Jirou who was facing backwards.

"Don't come in last" Jirou said plugging her ear jack chord and used her heart beat to blast herself forward.

"I'll have to risk using Demon" Izuku said concentrating it the power of his quirk into legs, running and passing Jirou in a heartbeat.

"0.0000001 seconds" The robot announced amazing everyone, then got Momo thinking how he did it.

"Woah! That's faster than Tenya by a zero" Sato said.

"How is this possible?!" Tenya thought looking at his hands.

"Definitely didn't see that coming" Jirou said.

"Izuku how did you do that?" Momo asked.

"Demon, I found out if I concentrate hard enough, I can pin point it to a particular place and use it to enhance my performance" Izuku explained.

"That explains it, no one is that fast well, except Tenya" Momo said then going to get set for her race with Shouto, who was swift on his feet due to his quirk and leading with a few seconds before Momo caught up.

"It seems that shooting that iron rod wasn't good enough" Izuku teased as Momo punched him in the gut super hard, causing him to gag and fall to the ground on his knees holding his stomach.

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