My what?!

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"Back then, the world was a peaceful place, animals and children played around in peace, everything was right with the world until the Demon clan was born from the earth spirits.

The world was thrown into chaos, there was war all over the world and no one could put a stop to it; the fear and sadness fueled my powers and my army, my two strongest of the demon race were my two boys, Zang and Romulus, lead the army to victory and conquered the world for me!!!" Demon king explained.

"So what happened after that?" Izuku asked.

"I ruled over the earth for thousands of years before I was taken down" Demon king said.

"By who?" Izuku asked.

"You ask many question, you remind me of my son, looks like him too" Demon king said.

"Oh really, do you have a picture of him or something?" Izuku asked.

"I was created in the ancient times, I don't have what you people call telephones with touching screens, but there should be a book, no. 666" Demon king said as Izuku got up, went through the shelves and saw a big black book, gold metal at the edges of the book with "The Ten Commandments".

"Interesting, it says that these guys called 'The Ten Commandments' were the best and most powerful team within the demon realm......." Izuku murmured looking through the book and reading through their bios and stats, before coming upon the leader of the team and dropping the book in fear and shock, the picture alone scared the living hell out of him.

"Why the hell does this guy Zang look like me" Izuku said picking up the book, then reading through the book before going back to the table and question the Demon king

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"Why the hell does this guy Zang look like me" Izuku said picking up the book, then reading through the book before going back to the table and question the Demon king.

"What kind of bullshit game are you playing?!" Izuku exclaimed angrily.

"Watch your mouth child, that is no way to talk to your king" Demon king said.

"Fuck your title! Why does this bastard look like me?!!" Izuku demanded slamming the book on the table.

"That's my young man, since a woman called Inko Midoriya wouldn't lay with me, I had to take it by force and made sure she bore my child, even though she already had a child" Demon king said shocking Izuku, his Mom was raped and bore a twin of him to a monster, he didn't even know anything about it.

"I had my way with her, she didn't even resist because if she did, the eight months baby would die in front of her, I'll say that she was tight and good" Demon king said as Izuku clenched his fists to the extent it drew blood from his hands.

"You bastard! You threatened my mother, you threatened me and you took my mother's dignity" Izuku said going full demon.

"Your the child?! I knew there was something familiar about you, but no matter what, your mother was nothing but the carrier of my child" Demon king said angering Izuku the more, his body us then engulfed in Hellblaze, taking his handle, pulling it out and slashing at the wall in one motion, sending the blackish purple flames towards the carving and destroying it.

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