Deku the Gray Death

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Shouto shook in his boots with fear, his heart beating fast, bones aching from intimidation and his mind racing trying to process what Izuku had just done without any effort after seeing it worked on Sero with ease.

"Are you going to continue standing there or are you going to attack?" Izuku asked nonchalantly.

"He's different, I can't play around with him anymore, I'll just have to see which of my quirk weakens him first" Shouto thought as Izuku creates blackish purple dots out of his energy, then closing his hand allowing the energy balls to gather together to form a bigger one the size of a basketball times two.

"Dead end" Izuku said pointing at Shouto with his middle and index fingers, sending the mass of dark energy towards the said boy, who forms a wall of ice to block the attack, but that ball of energy continues tearing through the thick wall of ice.

"This attack seems like it could kill" Shouto thought as the wall is completely destroyed and then explodes, sending Shouto flying back and then using his ice to stop himself from falling off the stage.

"It seems you still have some fight in you, oh well" Izuku said.

"He's not taking this seriously, like he can stop any attack" Fumikage said.

"His nonchalant attitude is due to the amount of power he's holding, we have to find out this form" Tenya said.

"I agree, he's obviously pushing his luck" Momo said.

"But it seems like Shouto is trying to find out which of his quirks to use against Izuku's new form, Kero" Tsuyu said as Shouto fires icicles at Izuku, but the next thing that amazed everyone, even Endeavor, was that he didn't even bother to move and if you think that was it, you've got it wrong. The icicles bounces off his skin like a rubber ball thrown at a wall, the continuous wave of icicles kept coming until he stops to see if he'd done any damage, but to get an F+ in his attempt to hit Izuku.

"Are you done?" Izuku asked still with that nonchalance in his voice.

"No, I've got more to give" Shouto said expelling a gigantic amount of fire Izuku's way in an attempt to burn Izuku, but when he stopped was when Izuku is shown unharmed with the flame fading away. 

"I'm still waiting" Izuku said as Shouto got angry.

"Then, I'll have to try close range combat" Shouto thought as Izuku still looked and then does something that scared Shouto, making him wish he'd never come close.

"Dark Nebula" Izuku said as a dark void expands outwards from him, completely destroying anything caught within range; therefore tearing through Shouto's clothes and gradually his flesh, then he takes time and effort for him to escape with his fire quirk from the burning and deadly energy.

Every hero shook and trembled under the presence of Izuku, even Endeavor was sacred a little of his power but thought he would make a perfect sidekick or punching bag for Shouto. What insolence, a sidekick to the second hero would be something people would wish for, but for someone with indestructible skin, wings and unlimited power with different other abilities, that is an insult to them and a punching bag was even the panicle of all insults known to quirk kind.

Hisashi was impressed by his son's abilities but was scared if he ever went rogue or joined the League of Villains; while Inko wasn't surprised, but was in shock that her son was now a living unholy being, asides that, she was being calm with this whole thing.

"I'm getting tired of you" Izuku said raising his arm and aiming his palm at Shouto.

"Be gone! Black judgement!!!" Izuku chanted as small spikes of black energy appear and sending it flying at Shouto, who steps forward sending mountains of ice and fire flying towards Izuku. Cementoss seeing that there was going to be a destructive force that could kill each other, forming walls of giant cement to reduce the force, as Midnight reaps some of her clothing on her sleeve and releasing a sleep knockout gas called "Somnambulist" which was her quirk; the explosion was great and destructive, the crater in the ground was the whole stage and the smoke was unclear like always.

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