Eijiro Kirishima vs. Izuku Midoriya

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There was nothing much going on, after there was news that the artificial human was caught and brought in for questioning that seemed to calm people down; but another problem was brewing within the school itself, between the students, a red head and a black with green highlights head were fighting over something so dire, something so necessary, something so dangerous it could cause WW3 (World War 3): Quirk Edition, it was a game of multiplayer Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare.

The two had been drawing in every match and it was becoming annoying; Whenever Izuku is about to win, Eijiro would take him out and it repeated with Eijiro, then the rarest was when the two were face to face, they'd shoot each other and get the result called ultimate fail and it's been the most nerve racking thing happening.

"How are we gonna do this" Izuku said thinking.

"No one in the history of Call of Duty gameplay has ever gotten this result" Eijiro said as Ochako walks up to the two male students.

"It seems Izuku has infected you too Eijiro" Ochako giggled catching their attention.

"Sorry, but this is something more manly than anything else" Eijiro said.

"Yeah, it's too complicated for you" Izuku said.

"What's it then?" Ochako asked.

"Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare!!!" Izuku and Eijiro exclaimed with so much volume and energy.

"Oh yeah, you guys haven't broken the draw yet?" Ochako asked.

"Yes, its taking too long" Izuku said.

"The rarest occurrence is the ultimate fail, and that never happens" Eijiro said.

"Well, there's only one solution" Ochako said.

"What is it?" Izuku asked.

"In two weeks, you two can have a tournament and see who's the best of the best" Ochako said.

"A tournament huh? I like it" Eijiro said with a grin and a thumbs up.

"Yeah, but is it private or like our classmates watch?" Izuku asked.

"Probably better if the class was there, to cheer whoever on" Ochako said.

"That's good, why are helping us though" Izuku asked suspiciously.

"Yeah, why are you helping us?" Eijiro asked.

"Well, no one can really get their beauty sleep with the two of you shouting all the goddamn time!" Ochako said raising her voice a little.

"Sorry for shouting, I was just stressed out" Ochako as the two classmates hug her and rubbing their cheeks against hers.

"Awww, our little Ochako can't sleep because of us" Izuku and Eijiro said.

"It's hard to believe you two aren't gay" Ochako muttered.

"What was that?" They asked.

"Nothing" Ochako said as they let go.

"Two weeks, Saturday, 4:00pm; I'll be expecting you" Izuku said.

"Yeah, I will be too and if I win, you have to shout Eijiro is the best and I upload that video" Eijiro said with an evil smirk.

"And if I win, you have to shout Izuku is the best and delete that video" Izuku said.

"What video?" Ochako asked.

"Nothing" Izuku said.

"We'll see, we will all see" Eijiro said giving him the eyes and two finger gesture "I'm watching you".

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