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I ran to rose during 6th hour passing time "ROSE! Have you seen Tayler?"

"Not since this morning, why?"

"Because he wasn't at lunch or in 4th and 5th hour and you have 2nd hour with him"

"Did you try texting him?"

"Uh... no"

Ashlyyy💕: where r u?

Tayyyler😋: at home I left before school started

Ashleyyy💕: come over to my house after school?

Tayyyler😋: can't I have to watch my sister

Ashleyyy💕: k 😔

"He left before school started"

"Really ..did he tell you why?"


" well I hope he shows up monday"

"You're telling me"

"I better get to ecology, see ya "

"I've get free period so I'm going to see if I can skip 7th hour and leave"

"Good luck"

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