Chapter 1

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Play music 🎶
Pisces looked out of the car window at the school that sat outside. The radio blasted out tunes as she gulped down her fears.

Most people would think she'd be used to moving schools by now. But her experience was the exact reason she was scared.

She knew how horrid kids could be, especially to new people.

"It will be fine honey" her mom reasured, pulling the keys out of the cars engine.

Pisces just came from Miami to New York to do her last few years of school in Celeste academy after a scout from the school gave her an invite.

Before they moved to Miami they originally lived near this area which meant her old friends mighty be here.

"Well" her mom said getting our of the car, pisces followed out her side. "Good luck at your new school honey, tell me all about it when you get home, okay"

Her mom fiddled with Pisces coat. "Okay mom, love you" Pisces said hugging her before heading towards the school doors.

The cold air hit her unexpectedly, Pisces had to admit, she's never been a fan of cold weather. She hugged her brown coat and headed towards the large looming building ahead of her.

Students hung around the entrance doing all sorts, some where talking, some where on the phones, others where studying or reading, Pisces even thought she saw some people making out in the corner.

She got a few glances as she walked into the giant building. She sorta felt intimidated by how large it was.

She looked around at the long white hallways, filled with lockers and doors.

The hallway was packed with thosands of students of different shapes, colours and sizes.

Yet they all had one thing in common, they were loud, and definitely were friendly.

She stood still not knowing where to go or who to talk to.

Even if her old friends did go, she thought, it would be nearly impossible to find them, in such a collosal school.

Suddenly someone knocked into her from behind. She looked at the boy who was now solomly walking off with his hands in his pockets.

"Hey, could you watch where your going please" she shouted. The guy didn't even look back he just kept on walking on.

"Jerk" she whispered under her breath. Just then a load ringing filled the hall and all the people who where just standing went to their classes.

Because she was new, she headed to the reception to get her schedule.

She walked threw the empty hallway, her black boots clopped on the shiny floor.

Luckily there were signs showing you were it was or Pisces would of got lost in the endless corridor of white walls and blue lockers.

She opened the wooden door with a label saying 'reception' on the front. The room was nicely decorated with colourful pictures and flowers.

"Hello dear, may I help you" the old lady at the desk asked.

"Yes, I'm new here and I came to collect my schedule" Pisces asked politely, taking her scarf off.

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