Chapter 2

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Libra wasn't exactly sure why she was here, I mean she didn't do anything wrong, all she did was stand there and observe.

True she could of stepped in, but fights between Aries and Capricorn broke out frequently, it wasn't her fault that she got caught up in it.

None the less here she sat in Mr Certus' classroom with Pisces, Taurus, Aquarius, Virgo, Aries, Leo, Capricorn, Gemini, Cancer, and Sagittarius.

Seriously what was it with people and naming their kids now a days.

She could feel her heart beating a million time faster then it should. How could she get in trouble, she's never in trouble

The only think she knew, is that her parents would kill her if they ever found out, it's bad enough she wasn't chosen for the select English team, now she's going to get a detention. Libra could already see her funeral.

"Now does anyone mind telling what happened there" The principle asked eying Aries and Capricorn. Libra liked Mr Cetus, he was nice and fair, a little scary, but overall she thinks he actually cares about his job and his students.

Everyone stayed silent and looked in different directions, not daring to make eye contact. Libra looked down at her hands that smoothed out her green skirt.

"Aries" he said giving her a look, she squirmed under his burning gaze.

"He bumped into me" she spluerted out, The principal didn't look even the slightest but surprised.

"You should of been watching where you were going!" Capricorn shouted back.


Everyone started to argue again. Pisces looked at Libra and she just shrugged her shoulders.

It wasn't like none of them got along, she was friends with most of the girls in the room and Libra didn't hate any of the boys either. But every time any of them for together someone always ended up arguing or punching someone or throwing the fish tank in the poor janitors face.

Okay maybe that one was only one time.

"AHEM" Mr Cetus shouted over the commotion. Everyone silenced and looked down at their laps.

"Guys, come on, this is the fourth time this month that there's been an incident at school involving more than 5 of you" The teens still didn't look up from their laps.

"I don't know what to do anymore, I've given detentions after detentions. The only thing I've got left is this. I want a full presentation from all of you about being how we must be nice to each other. And it will count towards your final grades"

"WHAT?!" The students all shouted at the same time.

Libra new it would not go down well with her parents if she got an F, and looking around at this crowd of teens, that was most certainly a high possibility.

"I'll fail if I'm with these Idiots" Virgo

"That's not my problem" he said packing up his stuff

"Wait I thought you said the twelve of us, there's only 11 here" Sagittarius pointed out.

"Well, thank you very much for reminding me Sagittarius, because that's why Scorpio will be joining you" Mr Cetus pointed to the back of the room where the hooded teen sat leaning on a chair against the wall, glaring at everyone in the room.

Libra heard Pisces mumble something under her breath but she didn't quite catch it.

"Now I would surpose you start to work on your project now as you only have a week to do it" The history teacher said waking out the door.

The bell went of as an awkward silence filled the room. Libra looked around at everyone it seemed as if no-one knew what to say.

"soooooooo, should we meet somewhere or just give up now and fail" Cancer said rubbing the back to his head.

"We're not failing, I CANT give up an A" Virgo argued, "So whose house is free for us to study then"

"Well my brothers will keep annoying us if we go to my house" Leo pointed out

"I guess mines free" Capricorn said "and it's pretty big so there's nothing to worry about"

"Oh poor you" chimed Virgo. Capricorn pulled a face at her in reply.

"So its settled out then, we'll go to Cap's after school" Sagittarius said

As everyone was walking to their next class Libra heard someone call her name, she turned around to see Leo walking up to her.

"Hey Libra" he said smiling. Libra would never tell anyone but she's been crushing on Leo ever since they were kids

I mean how could she not, he was extremely handsome, nice and popular. Everyone liked him, she didn't think it was a big shock if anyone found out she did too. Not saying that she would die if that happened.

"Hey Leo" she said smiling back at him
"I was going to ask, I'm having a party this weekend and I was wondering if you wanted to come" he asked rubbing the back of his head.

"Well, I'll have to ask my parents" Libra replied knowing her parents would never let her go anywhere unless it was to study.

"So thats a no then" Leo replied remembering Libra's strict parents.

"Hey Libra where's the science labs" Pisces said interrupting their conversation.

"Pisces, from pre school?" Leo questioned looking at the short blackette girl.

"Leo?" She questions furrowing her eye brows.

"I thought you moved to Miami," Leo smiled again showing his perfect teeth.

"I did but I've moved back now"  Pisces replied smiling sweetly.

The first bell rang for 5th period and once again the halls were full with people.

"Libra, can you just try to come?" Leo asked running his fingers threw his blonde locks.

"Sure" she replied before walking to her next class.

Libra screamed inside, Leo wanted her at his party, she was to excited to see the man at the end of the hall watching them all walk there  separate ways.

His eyes glittered finally seeing the 12 together at last.


Sorry this ones shorter then the other one.
Hope you like it if you did please vote and comment.

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