Chapter Five

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The next day was terrible. Although it was a friday, she just seemed to be having a bad day.
First the girl woke up with a killer headache from being thrown down, she had a nasty bruise on her stomach, and was fueled on only three hours of sleep. Then she had to go to school.

"Oh, honey, you look terrible!" Her grandmother said as she saw her trying to leave.
"I know, gran, I'm not feeling too hot." The girl replied, sighing. But her grandmother shoved a muffin in her hand.
"Eat this, you need food, you look famished. And maybe you should stay home?" She said to the girl who stood dressed and ready by the door.
"Uh, no, I'm fine. Just under the weather." She said as she smiled and started to head out the door.
"I'll see you later."

School also sucked. She had no appetite all day due to her racing thoughts. Who were those men? How did they know her name? Why did spiderman seem so familiar?
Plus, Michelle was out sick that day with a cold, so she was all alone.

She walked into the lunch room and sat down at her side of the table, alone. She felt herself sigh and just stare at the white table top. She must look like trash. Luckily on Fridays she got a break from her play rehearsal and halloween dance prep. While she was on the thought of dance prep, she realized she still needed the English notes she missed the day before. She tore her eyes from the table and scanned the cafeteria for someone to ask.
"Hey Peter!" She said, standing and walking to his side if the table. Ned looked shocked and wide eyes that she were speaking to them. And as for Peter, well, he just about jumped out of his skin.
"Oh, um, h-hey (name)." He said with a shake voice. (Name) raised an eyebrow.
"Is it alright if I copy your english notes, I was stuck in prep yesturday." She said sweetly, but still confused on why they seemed so scared.
"Y-yeah sure. I saw you weren't there... oh! I mean, like, I'm not stalking you! I just saw you weren't in your seat and-" Peter spewed out, causing Ned to cringe. (Name) however giggled, which cut the boy off.
"Calm down Peter. I know your not stalking me." She laughed, her cheeks dusting pink for whatever reason. And for somereason, his were aswell. Not that she realized. He grabbed a marble notebook out if his organized bag and handed it to her. She smiled and thanked him, going to her side of the table.
"Wait! (Name), you should sit with us since Michelle isn't here." Ned said, winking at Peter. (Name) didnt notice that exchange either. She smiled and agreed, starting to get some paper and a pen out of her bag.

"We can't have her over here! She might realize who I am! She heard my voice and I called her by her name!" Peter whispered while she was gathering her stuff.
"I know it's not like you told me a million times. But dude, I'm like totally your wingman right now. And your saving the (Full name) from a bad english grade." Ned whispered back. Just as Peter was about to reply (Name) walked over, her book bag over one shoulder, his book and her own in her other arm. She took a seat next to Peter, who suddenly got nervous. She sat and began copying notes.
"Thanks for letting me sit here." She said, smiling softly. Peter looked around a little, just to see Flash glaring at him.
"Say, (name), are you going to the dance?" Ned asked her. She laughed softly.
"You should, (name). After all you do put alot of effort into the prep for it."
Peter said quietly. She stopped writing as she sensed the dejivoo washed over her when he said her name. Although she couldn't place her finger on it. She looked over to the boy and smiled.
"Your right."

The bell rang after a few minutes of small talk. She said goodbye and left, trying to get though the rest of her day.
She got home and collapsed on her bed, sighing and closing her eyes. Her grandmother soon after cooked dinner, calling her so the two could eat together. After quick talk about her day dinner was over and the elderly woman was asleep, watching her TV dramas.
With all the stress of the day, (name) needed to get some stress off of her. And what better way of doing so then practicing her powers outside in the dark. She forgot about the men from the day before, only thinking of how stressed she was.

She walked in her usual dark cloth to the park a few blocks away. She didn't know whay she was going to do exactly. But when she got there she soon realized she should of never left.
She could feel the barrel of a gun to the back of her head. She was alone. In the middle of a park. At 12 am.
"(Full name) we suggest you come with us without sturggle." A man said. Her heart stopped and then beat a mile a minute. It was the same men as before. Not the same exact ones, the others were in jail, but from the same boss. Whoever that was.
"We were ordered not to kill you. So move." The man said. She suddenly felt a surge of heat go through her veins.
"Who ordered you." She said monotone. The usually sweet girl was in no mood for this after the day she had. She felt him push the gun harder.
"I don't have to tell you! Move!" He yelled, kicking the back of her foot hard.
"What." The man said, kicking the back if her knees, sending her to the ground.
"I. Said. No."
Suddenly she stood up, the man hit her shoulder really hard, pushing her back.
"He never ordered me to not hurt you. So shut your brat mouth before I make you." He said, keeping a glare on the teen girl.
"I'd like to see you try." She said, making vines crawl up his legs.
"What the hell!" The man said, kicking his legs, before pulling out his gun.
"You stupid girl." He seethed, threatening her.
"No wonder your parent didn't want you." He said angerly. A look of anger spread over the girls face. She was don't with the bs these men were pulling.
"How do you know that." She asked him.
"How!" She yelled, causing the vines to tighten. She was bruised and hurt from these people. He deserved it.
"Ow!" He yelled as thorns starred poking through the vines.
"Your a monster!" He yelled to the girl, who loosed the vines realizing what she was doing.
"W-what." She said, looking to the man.
"Why would he want someone like you back?!" He yelled to himself, grimacing as the thorns pulled out of his legs. The gun was shaking in his hands. He was angry.
"I'm so sorry." She said dropping her hands, letting the vines drop.
"I'm not like you." She said, looking at him.
But she made a mistake.
And he pulled the trigger.

She held her hand out as soon as she saw him pull his finger down.
After a moment she opened her eyes. Before her was a massive tree, large enough to stop a bullet.
Did she do that? Her powers were usually limited to flowers and small plants, not huge oak trees.
The man had started shooting frantically at the tree, obviously terrified the girl was able to do that.
"You monster! You freak!" He screamed. She suddenly felt more power then ever before. She walked out from behind the tree, he had ran out of bullets.
"Im no monster."
He was pulled to the floor at a thick barrier of vines stuck him to the ground. She heard police cars blaring in the distence.

"Have fun in jail. Tell your buddy's I said hi." She said before, running away, back home. She had had a feeling, things were going to change soon.

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