The Day I Was Born

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Honestly I wish I knew a lot from the past of my village, but unfortunately I really don't know were I was born I like to imagine I was born in a small village...all I ever saw...was flames on the day I was born, I heard screams and smelled the burning was awful. Then the last thing I saw, I was on something drifting away from my parents, the water was so blue and beautiful until red liquid I drifted farther from the village the screams started fading the foul smell soon faded as all I saw was nothing but the water turning blue again, the light of the moon making the water sparkle...and all that I was able to hear was the wind delicately blowing through the leaves, the blades of grass, and anything else it touched. A few hours later I have arrived at shore. I Was hungry at the moment just crying, and kept crying until this lady walked by and picked me up, she looked at me in a strange menacing way but she walked off with me still in her arms. I stopped crying but my stomachs growls for food increased in volume, the lady just grunted and took out a glass of milk from her purse making the glass into a baby bottle, she then started feeding me until my stomach stood in silence, a few minutes later before we arrived to my saviors house I fell asleep in a woman's arms. I felt safe at the moment, that's mainly because I was an infant and I really never knew much, but as years went by I've been feeling depressed, scared, and alone. Throughout my whole child hood there has always been yelling, punishment, and mainly a lot of bull shit. I have had scars and bruises almost all over my body...i've been feeling less pain as more punishments came at the time I was ten I have found out I have a step sister who is way older than me, by 10-15 years older than me? I was scared yet excited to meet her. When I was called into my step sisters room she looked at me smiling at first then stopped looking at me in a sorrowful way, I just tilted my head I was about to speak but then she patted her bed "come sit by me" she had said with a gentle safe voice. I sat next to her silently as she asked while gently petting my head "whats your name little sis?" she asked just putting me close to hear, I spoke in a soft raspy voice "m-my n....n-name is...d-destiny, n-n-nice meet you" I coughed a bit as she hugged me tightly "my name is hope, its also nice to meet you as well...but hey look I know its tough living in this house but you can't blame mom she is one of the most powerful witches in existence" she started speaking "and well theirs so many people after her trying to kill her, trying to take all her power, and trying to take both of us away just so that she surrenders...but they gave up on me mostly because i'm not as powerful as she is so they set me free, but when news heard about a half breed was in her life they started targeting for you, they think you're as powerful..." she looked at me sadly, but after she told me that I started spacing out I didn't know what she was talking about or what she wanted me to do about it, but I can barely cast any spells, I started to think about it. Yet nothing seemed to make any sense. After spacing out badly I finally snapped back to reality when Hope poked my cheek handing me a weird looking book with a weird aura, I looked at the book opening it not being able to recognize any of the words I then looked up at her weirdly, she smiled as she giggled a bit. "I'll teach you how to read the witches language tomorrow, ok?" she said as I gave a simple nod closing the book trying to give it to her but she shook her head "its yours now destiny, it'll help you learn and survive life...well kindaaaa but anyways" she picked me up as I hugged the book, she walked out of her room and walked down the hall, I yawned a but as my ears went down I rested against her falling asleep slowly my vision getting extremely blurry. As she walked into my room and laid me down tucking me in I fell asleep with the book in my embrace.

//hey guys! I hoped you enjoyed the first chapter, I apologize for not being able to finish it earlier I was lazy and I really didn't know what to write so umm ye. well remember to vote and subscribe for more or less stories :) <3

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