The Start Of A Good Life

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I was still asleep as hours went by, someone decided to enter and open up the curtains to my room, I groaned covering my eyes with the blanket, the person soon yanked the whole blanket off me as I woke up growling a bit rubbing my eyes as I opened them to see the one and only 'Gerardo', Gerardo had gotten me off the bed dressing me up at a quick speed "Destiny we all had a time to weak up, and you decided to over sleep. You missed one of your lessons and breakfast with the young master will begin in less than 5 minutes! I swear why would the master want to hire a little kid as yourself!" Gerardo had snapped at me just going on and on he seemed extremely stressed out yet, I couldn't tell if he was nervous, scared, or mad. He still had no expression on his lips, nor had a significant tone in his voice, as I was thinking about how someone can be so serious Gerardo had already finished dressing me with my hair strangely put up in a circleish rock shaped way, I looked at him as he ran with him holding my hand. I tried not to fall trying to catch up with him, I was wearing this strange piece of what seemed to be something i've never seen? I looked like a cupcake from the bottom of whatever the fuck I was wearing, and then had theses strange long white thing on my legs that seemed to be stuck on my feet along some cute black umm...little boxes for my feet? i'm still new at this so I really never knew what anything was I just looked at whatever was on my body, it looked so weird. I soon snapped out of it as I smelled what seemed to be food! I was already seated down in front of the kid that hired me? What does that mean? Is it because i'm higher in length with my tail? or is it that he wants to set me on fire for being a werewitch!? I started panicking shaking in fear as I looked at the kid, I held on to my seat tightly just fearing he'd harm me. A few seconds later he decided to look at me as the food started to be served he sighed deeply saying something that I wasn't able to manage hearing. I would've known what he said but I was too concentrated on not to cry and being extremely scared. The kid then snapped his fingers making me snap out of it, as tears streamed down my face. He then talked with a soothing, comforting, and safe tone "hey Destiny what's the matter? you seem rather pale, and well..." he stopped as my ears went down as I interrupted him "m-master I have a question..." he raised an eyebrow looking me straight in the eye, I tensed up as I started feeling dizzy "wh-what does hire mean..? d-does that mean i'm going to d-die?" silence then filled the room for a while as soon he started making this strange noise, it sounded like "hahahahaahahahaha" it was a cute noise but for some reason I felt embarrassed I looked down whimpering a bit as his weird sound started fading slowly, "Oh little Destiny, you sure made me laugh" I looked at him confused, then he looked back at me "o-oh so you really don't know what a lot of things mean right...?" his smile faded as he grunted I just looked at him clearing the tears off my face with my sleeve "no..." soon we both ate in silence not mentioning anything as we both started finishing up he broke off the silence "hey Destiny how about I let Tyler help develop that brain of yours so that you can understand almost everything you are supposed to know at this young age" he gave that smile that made me feel safe as I smiled back and nodded, soon we both stood up and walked together at Tyler's room thing, it didn't have that big huge pillow or "bed" as they say, nor did it have that giant boxes where you can put those weird things you wear, well there is but its full of these thin white things with black other things on it and then it only had chairs and desks, I wondered if he was a zombie! Where he can barely sleep! I got excited as I accidentally held onto my masters arm squealing, the kid just had a different color of skin on his cheeks as I let go "s-sorry" I giggled awkwardly as he looked at the floor still walking "i-its fine Destiny". We arrived at Tylers office but we've stopped as we heard yelling and so on, it seemed to be an argument between Gerardo and Tyler, the kid or 'master' just rolled his eyes and flinged the door open "you two act like a damn married gay couple, if you guys don't get your things together the both of you will be that?" he said with a slightly mad and irritated tone in his voice, they both stopped looked down at the master then at each other having a cold aura as Gerardo walked out with not another word left to say,Tyler huffed as he sat down running his hand through his hair. I looked at them both not knowing whether I should interfere or just slowly walk away as they just looked at each other having a conversation that i have no idea what they're talking about so I tried to sneak off slowly walking backwards. Then I stopped once the young master held my hand "lady Destiny I don't think it would be a smart move to walk away while I am having a conversation, and especially not when I am about to assign you to classes" he stated as I blankly stared at our hands being together, it felt weird yet nice and comforting. I have simply nodded and looked at them I felt my face heat up a bit as the young master kept his hand with mine while he talked about who knows what with Tyler. Soon they stopped talking and the young master finally let go of my hand. My hand felt...lonely...for some reason I whimpered a bit as the master left, then looked at Tyler who had sighed then patted my head "Dear classes start tomorrow at 6:30 sharp alright?" I nodded as he went to go sit down, I just walked out of the room and went to explore the place since bed time wasn't until later. As I walked around I ended up in front of the masters office, I was about to knock once I heard the masters voice and some other girls voice "Oliver why did you bring another girl here!? I am your fiance you can't just bring random girls here!!!" she whined as he sighed "Look Emilia she is nothing but a regular maid nothing will ever happen between us, pus soon i'll be married to you" he said. My heart instantly felt like it was stabbed I felt...sadder then i'd ever feel at my step mothers house. "Oliver...she's prettier than me...and what if you change me for her...? I want her out of here" she said in a bitchy tone "Look Emilia she means NOTHING to me, I don't like her at all. She is just a mere pesky maid I brought." he said in a tone that made me cry, I ran off crying I felt hurt for some reason, why...why am I feeling like this. I felt such an unexplainable pain, I soon reached my room immediately locking myself and curling up in the corner I started crying my heart out for a reason that I still don't understand.

(hey guys I sowwie for not finishing sooner, I got lazy and welp I hope you guys enjoy! remember to like, follow, and share :3 <3  

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