Not all friends are real/supportive

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Everyone has imaginary friends at some point in their lives. They do leave eventually, but mine wanted to stay and wasn't planning on going anytime soon. 

"Why are you so bad at this! Jasmyn! Pay attention to me, I'm the only one who sticks around with you." The voice in my head doesn't really have a name so I just call them Jess. I'm drawing a picture of a farm, many people tell me I'm great but they're lying. Jess tells me so. 

To me Jess is the only person who can tell me from wrong and right. She's 10 years old, while I'm still stuck in fourth grade. I used to have friends, but they left saying i was 'too weird and that I need different friends'. Right now Jess is the only friend I got, since she's imaginary I have to keep her a secret. No one knows not my parents, teachers or former friends. 

Looking down at my drawing, I think it's good, it's no Picasso. The coloring is nice and not too lazily drawn. I have always liked do my best in anything. But for my mom and Jess I can never satisfy their standards. They both love me too much to see me fail, but I wish sometimes they were a little more kinder to me. 

"Jess I have worked on my drawing more than anyone in my class. Why are you so mean to me?! I try my hardest." Tears begin to form in my eyes. School is one of the worst place to cry in, people will laugh and point at you. Jess has always hurt me in many ways. Telling me I'm worthless, ugly, fat, stupid, and good for nothing. 

I hear Jess sneer at me and mocks me for being close to crying in school. I wish I had a better life, one where I can be happy. "Not everything in life is easy you know that Elisa?"

"Oh shut up. You do nothing but make me cry and when will you be nice to me? I want you to leave me be! I'm so sick and tired of being your friend." I yell back. 

Jess voice is more softer this time, I feel a warm embrace.It's her hugging me this gesture is rare from them. They usually hit, push, or trip me. "You know I can't leave you. I always stay with you, when you need me Im here inside your head. I have cared for you since you were five, no one else is truly there for you like me." They grip my upper arms with force, "And if we stop being friends, then who will you be friends with?" 

It sounds almost like a threat but I was too young to understand.I nodded and agreed with them. After a while being in that position Jess let go and looked at my drawing more closely. "I think you're getting a bit better, but still kee working." 

Like any poor abuse victim I soon love Jess again for not leaving me. For hugging me, and giving me a small praise. 

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