Zombie kids

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Everyone loves recess, a time when you and your friends get together and play games. Most kids have friends but me, of course Jess gets offended whenever I say that. "Jasmyn! How could you say that, you know Im your friend right!?" Jess monologue would go on and on, usually I'd ignored her dramatic speech on why Im lucky to have her. 

Most recess I would be alone on a hill. It was my spot, when ever a kid came near me I would given them a deadly stare. 

Not sure of what to do, they'll leave and whisper things in their friends ear when the were far enough. People are terrible at staying quiet. Most people have no clue what kind of mistakes they make. I wasn't always this way, Jess taught me how to judge people. Even when there wasn't something wrong Jess would a way to degrade a persons body, face, and clothing. 

I was also judged by Jess, not even I, her friend was immune from her criticism. 

There has been a rumor going around in school, that kids were bringing back the dead. During recess they'd gather near the back of the school. Curiosity got the best of me, and I went back to go investigate. 

"What are you doing! We can't hang out with the weird kids, who knows if they're gross." 

I didn't have many choices so meeting the weird kids might help make new friends. "Jess look, I wanna play with other kids and have fun. I promise you if the kids are too weird we'll leave. And we can do anything you want for the rest of recess okay?" 

"Okay. Fine whatever Jasmyn don't say I didn't warn you." These little victories when ever me and Jess fight gives me some hope, and pride. 

Laughter, that's strange I tell myself. When you think of rising the dead you'd expect to hear ancient chants and people dress in baggy robes. But no there were kids dressed in normal clothes and running around. 

Both me and Jess had our eyes all wide in shock. "Wha-what is this! People said that these kids behind the school were zombies." I face palm myself an let out a dead sigh. "They said they were bringing back zombies, not that they were zombies themselves." Moving towards the group as my usual self, I stand awkwardly and try to go unnoticed. 

One girl spotted me. She stood out from the rest of the school. Brown braided hair, dark clothing, pale skin, and a very pretty face. Calmly walking in my direction I froze in fear. 

"Hello there." This girl had a British accent, it only made her sound smarter. Now face to face, her pretty features stood out more to me. Her blueish gray eyes was something that I was mesmerized by. 

Ruining the precious moment Jess commented, "Well first of all she isn't from here, her accent is a dead give away. And why is she wearing a black pants and a jacket? It's like 100 degrees out here." Choosing to ignore her snobby remarks. 

I gathered my strength to say back. "Hi. I'm Jasmyn." I yelled it out too loud, everyone turned their heads to look at me. Jess getting a kick out of this mockingly says, "Great, you introduced yourself wonderfully. Now let's get away from these weirdos. 

Fearing for the worst and feeling my face turn red with embarrassment. ""Hey Jasmyn!" The whole group responded cheerfully. The girl gently grabbed my hand and pulled me into the crowd. 

"So we're playing a game it's somewhat like tag, but we call it zombie tag. So if you get tagged you become a zombie. And you have to turn everyone else into a zombie." The girl explains the fairly simple game. The group goes back to running for their lives. Jess panics inside my head. "No! No! Jasmyn we can't play this game, let's just go back to the hill!" We decide on a new zombie, and begin a new game. 

For the first time in my life I feel happy and accepted by a group. We play until the bell rings bringing us back to the doors to go back to class. Awkwardly waving good bye to the girl. She oddly jumps a bit, and hesitantly waves a single time to me. "You both are weird." Jess says. I'm already happy so Jess comment just brings me further down. But on the bright side I did something other than being alone on my hill. 

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