something random

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Tagged by Musicfreak06

1. Favorite band at the moment?

Twenty One Pilots

2. Favorite song?

Hard times paramore

3. Favorite celebrity?

Josh dun Tyler Joseph

4. Gamer?


5. Are you in a relationship?

No been hurt too many times but i got a crush

6. Sexual Orientation?

As in who i like to date? Boys and girls but i think i go more for boys atm

7. Nicest thing someone has said to you?

"Aw look at how cute" and "i wish i had more free time just to be able to relax and text you"

8. dominant or submissive?


9. Last Kiss?

I don't remember

10. Are you friends with your ex?

Nope she hates me

11. Are you in love?

Cant say if i am

12. Who is your bestfriend?


13. How are your grades?

Lol idk but i pass mostly

14. Your relationship with your parents?

Its alright

15. Wave your flag?

What does this mean?

16. Last concert you've been to?

Feb 12,2016
Asking alexadria and bullet for my valentine

Feb 12,2016 Asking alexadria and bullet for my valentine

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

17. Where you wish you were right now?

at a friends house

18. What is your dream job?

HOTTOPIC! they asked me to work there but i still have to apply

19. Name at least 3 things you're good at?

1. Singing
2. Writing (sorta like school papers)
3. Idk

20. Favorite movie?

Got too many

21. Favorite video game?

Just dance 2014

22. Do you wear glasses?


23. Do you want to get married

Not now but yea maybe

24. Long distance or no?


25. What is your usual attire?

Band shirts sweater vans any jeans but i think more of skinny jeans chokers

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